Chapter 44

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Weekend flew by quicker when I am working and hanging out with Elliot. He makes things a little much more better. Abby does not know about Elliot's life after school, which made it so much more harder to explain my weekend to her. I had to edit out parts and made sure that I didn't spill things about Elliot. I wouldn't have believe if anyone would have told me that I will be keeping secrets from her in the future. People started accepting, that Elliot and I are together and will be seen together. Brianna's glare was enough to make me avoid her at all cost, Elliot walk me everywhere I go in school, it did bother me a lot in the beginning, but I started accepting it as he decided to avoid my request.

On Wednesday, Cole finally enrolled in our school. He was the hot topic in school from the very moment,when Elliot and I stepped out of the car. Cole and Elliot, if you give them baggy clothes- they will still look handsome, in spite of them wearing lots of clothing, they still look handsome. Cole's face was flushed due to the cold, Elliot pulled me close and his body heat made it a little better for both of us.

"Finally I have someone in school to trust." Elliot said as I nudged him. "I trust you, but there are matters where I have to make sure you are doing fine and I don't know who to ask to watch out for you, now I have another eyes to watch you."

"That sounded creepy." I said.

"Here I thought you really wanted me to study in the same school as you because you missed being my classmate." Cole said rolling his eyes.

Elliot beamed as he give Cole a high-five. Abby was gawking at Cole, I would be too. These two cousins are so handsome and they are aware of what they can do with their looks.

Cole pulled me and put his arm on my shoulder. "Thanks for volunteering to be my school guide." He said.

"She never volunteered." Elliot pulled me back and wrap his arms around my waist.

"Abby can volunteer." Elliot said and I heard Abby choking from her drink.

"Why can't your girlfriend help me? We have the same schedule."

Elliot rolled his eyes, "You have got to be kidding me."

"You wish." Cole smiled, "and plus, she is my friend now, so why can't she help me?"

"Fine." Elliot said as he give me a quick kiss on my cheek.

"That was easy." Cole grinned.

"No funny businesses or you will get your a^s kicked." He warned.

Cole did not need any help getting friends, wherever he sat, everyone gathered and asked about him. His british accent give people hint, that either he knows Elliot or related to Elliot as they were seen together in the morning. By the time, it was lunch- he was the popular child.

"Where do you guys sit for lunch?" He asked.

"Really depend, you can go ahead with your plan." I said, not wanting him to sit with sad lonely Abby and I. Elliot was going to practice something in the gym, so he said he won't be seeing me until school is over.

"Sure?" He asked.

"Yes." I said. He then left to hang around with whoever he was planning.

I met Abby near her locker. "Stairs?"

"Definitely." I said.

"I didn't know you know Cole." Abby started, I was waiting for her to ask me that question for a while.

"Yes, Elliot introduced me to him. He moved recently.

"He is handsome." Abby said.

"I bet their whole family is as good looking as them."

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