Chapter 20

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"I have to use the washroom." I tell Elliot while we were waiting for our take outs.

"Sure, go ahead." He said and when I asked one of the staff where the washroom is, she give me an apologetically look.

"For dine in customers only." She showed the sign and I frowned.

"Then forget about the take outs, we will dine in." Elliot snapped and pulled me along with him inside the dine in.

"It was not necessary." I said.

"Forget it, go on." He tells me and I hurriedly walked to the washroom.

He sat on one of the booth and looked outside the glass window, he looked so beautiful with the sun set light hitting on him, he could make a movie and it will be a hit.

"Sorry about that." I apologized to him as I slipped in.

"I was planning dine in, anyway." He give me a smile. "How is my little Everly?"

"I am not little."I pointed out.

"You are so tiny." He teased.

"I am not tiny, you are just a giant monster." I retorted.

"How do you know about that?" He gasped.

"About what?"

"That I am a giant monster in bed too."

And I blushed with embarrassment as a server came and asked if we would like our take out to be dine in.

"Of course." Elliot said, giving her one raised eye brow.

She just blushed, even though she should be mad at his rudeness, she was still swooning over him.

"Let's be nice, this is one of their rule and if they bend the rule for anyone, that's unfair for the rest." I pointed out.

He did not answer and looked out of the window.

"What happened now?" I asked, frowning. I don't want him to have yet another mood swings and be mad again.

"Just some thoughts." He give me a fake smile and then looked out again, here we go again. We ate silently our foods, until I couldn't take it any longer.

"Can you not do that?" I asked.

"Do what?"

"Have all mood swings, you are either too easy to please or too difficult to please."

He looked amused for a second, "Why you want to please me?"

"Not pleasing you, but like you can be too friendly or too rude."

"When was I rude to you?" He asked surprised.

"Nevermind." I said.

"No, I need explanation." He said as he dropped his pizza on the plate and his green eyes looked at me.

"You have mood swings."

"Do I? I believe my mood changes according to situation like any human beings."

"Your mood changes every few minutes not once in a while." I said, frustrated that I cannot explain to him.

He shrugged nonchalantly, "How about some dessert." He changed the topic.

Spending time with him, had made me a little more comfortable with him, that I can simply hold any conversation with him and bring out the random jokes,he laughed way too loudly and it made me feel proud, that I can make someone happy.

He put his arm on my shoulder casually, as we were walking out of the place only to be stopped by a random stranger with way more tattoo than he is and much more older than us. He smelled of weed and alcohol. Elliot's arm moved and he pushed me away to his left and intertwine our hands.

"Hunter." He acknowledged that guy.

"Found yourself another one?" Hunter smiled, his smile was creepy and it give me chills down my spine.

"What are you doing here?" He simply ignored his question and for once I wished he would have said something, anything than letting the stranger assume, I was yet another girl in his life. I must be crazy for wanting that.

"Just came to pick some foods." He said and looked at me.

Elliot's hand tighten and he said, "Okay, I will see you later."

"Why are you in such a hurry? You didn't even introduce us?" He looked at me.

Elliot's lip turned into a thin line and he frowned and looked at the guy and at me.

"Why are you so interested in her? You were never curious about anyone who was with me?" Elliot questioned.

"She looks different." The guy said with a smile and took out his hand. "My name is Hunter, what is your name?"

Elliot's hand did not leave mine, making it difficult for me to shake his hand. Hunter noticed that as he smirked and dropped his hand and raised his hand in a defensive manner.

"You, for sure is behaving weird, today." Hunter said looking at Elliot.

"You are too high to comment about that." Elliot snapped.

"Someone is pissed." Hunter sang and I was worried for his well-being now.

"Someone will have his teeth broken, soon." Elliot grunt and Hunter smirked.

"You are coming for the game this weekend? You ditched us a couple of time and I for sure lost way more than you could imagine. You better show your f^cking a^^ for the game or you will regret it." Hunter said calmly and I was not sure if he really meant the last part or not, but judging by how Elliot's hand which was intertwined with mine, tighten, I knew this was serious.

"What game was he talking about?" I asked him as soon as we were far away from that strange guy and was near his car."

"I thought we made a deal of not sharing our personal things." He muttered.

"Is it a safe game?" I asked worried.

"All games have it consequences, love." He said as he opened the door for me.

"But does the consequences risk your life?" I asked as my hand went to his door and the only thing separating us was the car door.

He smirked, "Are you worried about me?"

"I am." I said, surprising him by my answer.

"Why?" He asked as his face came closer.

"Because." I paused to look him in the eye.

"Because?" He asked.

"You are important to me."

Author's Note: Hey readers, I know I was suppose to post bonus chapter and regularly, but I am currently having lots of thoughts about my books as some of you wanted the book in a different way and now I am having concerns over how my book is going on as I am not sure, if you all are liking it.Thank you for your patience and your support. Please add this book to your library, so you will be notify whenever there is an update, I hope you will like this chapter. Thank you ❤️

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