Chapter 27

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Learning about someone is easier when the person allows you to.Elliot Walker is the definition of a human wall, you can not go near him, unless he puts the wall down himself and I feel him too. My walls are as high as his, or maybe a little more than that. At least, I stick to what's in my mind and do as I always do, he is the complete opposite. His emotions bring the best and worse out of him in all the situation and I think he is struggling on how to deal with any of his emotions.

Right after he dropped me off that day after our little homework session with Aiden, he quickly fled away like if he stay anymore closer to me, he will burn and disappear. He did text me that he ordered some foods for me, so to watch out for the delivery and said he have a game night and I was agitated and annoyed by that.

"Will you be okay?" I texted him back.

"Always." Was his only reply and that's how our conversation ended.

The next day at school, Abby and I was having a wonderful time until the school bell rang for the day, we were super excited to escape, but of course- a day without drama in Everly's life is suppose to be an unusual day.

Brianna wanted to brag about Elliot and her fling or whatever right in front of my locker, when asked to move, she said- it is a public space and she can stand over there how ever long she wants to.

"This is not a public space, you are standing in-front of someone else's locker." Abby snapped at her and Brianna rolled her eyes, I was surprised she just rolled her eyes and did not snap or do something worse. She left us alone, which was so unusual of her.

Elliot was away from school today, which was very surprising and I was worried about his well being as he told me about his game, last night. I was little anxious and worried and Abby can sense it.

"All good?" She asked worriedly.

"Yea?" I said like she just asked me something weird.

"Where is Elliot today?" She asked me as we stepped outside the building.

"I don't know." I said as I wrapped my arms around me for a little warm, it is getting a lot colder.

Just as I said that and looked in front, I see Elliot standing near his black Porsche with his trench coat and tight blue jeans and sneakers. He had his sunglasses on and seem to be in a really bad mood. His eyes caught mine and he waved at us and I thought of just walking away and pretending I didn't see him, but Abby had to play cupid-like always. I thought she was over him and me being together. She pulled me towards the ball of sunshine, please note my sarcasm.

"Hi." Abby greeted him, too cheerfully.

"Hello." He said back, his British accent making her swoon beside me.

"How are you?" I asked, hoping he understand that I am talking about his game yesterday. He does not seem like he is injured, which is a good sign. I cannot see his eyes and wonder what is going on in his mind and what he is doing here.

"Can I borrow you for sometime?" He asked, rather quickly and took me and Abby by off-guard.

My mind screamed a big NO at me, but my heart was curious and wanted to be close to him, and being the stupidest person that I am, I followed my heart and nodded my head, before looking at Abby who give me two thumbs up.He opened the door for me and let me tell you, the school should be obvious by our weird relationship, but of course not- they had to gasp and make it seem like an unusual thing as he stepped inside the car.

His car was warm, so were the seats. "Are you warm enough?" He asked as he adjusted the heater for us and I nodded my head and proceeded to put on my seat belt.

"So?" I started.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"I am good. You can help yourself." I said and he did not say anything after that.

I tried again, "What are we doing?" I asked, as casually as I could.

"We are going to my place." He said.

"For what?" I asked, my eyes widening.

"You can help me in some stuffs." He chuckled lightly and looked at me briefly.

"Why are you still wearing your glasses?" I asked him. "How was the game last night? Are you okay?"

"I think I should see you less often, you talk more when we meet after sometime. It's nice." He jokes and I pouted. "I am kidding." He sighed. "I missed you."

"What?" I said, I wanting to be sure I heard right, but he did not repeat and changed the topic.

"I wanted you to help me with my plants." He coughed a little.

I was excited about that and shifted from my seat to look at him. "We could have asked Abby to come along, she knows a lot more than I do."

He smiled a little, "Maybe next time?"

"This is so cool. What are you planning to do? Fall is here and winter is coming."

"I am just going to prepare for summer?" He said awkwardly.

"That's like months away." I pointed out. "But I am all excited."

He seemed relieved and smiled a little. I knew he was rich, but not that rich to own the largest mansion in the neighbourhood. He lives in the most expensive neighbourhood and I was not surprise by the amount of lights shining in the house, at this time of the day.

He stepped out of the car and came to my side to open the door.

"You have a beautiful house." I complimented and looked at it in awe, while he scratched his hair, in an embarrassed way.

"Thanks." He said and took my hand, he made it seem like it was natural and we are use to holding hands, it feels nice and not awkward- but I don't understand him and his way of treating others, so I cannot assume. We climbed the stairs to the front of the door as he said.

"Welcome home." He muttered lowly as the door opened in front of us.

Author's Note: Hello readers, I am getting there, please bear with me as I continue my books. Thank you for adding my books to your library and reading lists and for your patience as you wait for chapters. Thank you for voting and for your support. I really appreciated and want to thank each of you for that. Happy readings!!

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