Chapter 51

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The next day, I called in sick to work as I stood and looked at my messed up self in the mirror. I wondered how Elliot was doing, I think I have lost my sanity, how can I think of him even when he ignored me and then hid my diary and went through it without my permission. I forced my mind and told myself that no matter what, I have to be angry at him. He played enough and he did enough things so far, but am I ready to walk out of our relationship? Or was I the only one who still think we are still in a relationship? Was him ignoring me a hint, that we were over? Questions ran through my mind, but I had no answer to any of that. Phil-Dad came to check on me and was wondering why he haven't seen me down yet for breakfast.

"I am not well." I lied to him with my blanket covering my face.

"Can I check your temperature?" He asked and I can tell by his tone, that he was worried for me.

"I just need to rest a little, I took Tylenol." I said to him, which was true.

"I will make some soup for you." He said.

"I will be sleeping for a while, so don't worry about that." I said as I peeked a little from the blanket.

He bend down and kissed my head lightly, "I will come and check on you again." He said and I nodded my head.

Elliot, still haven't reach out to me, I shouldn't have expected anything from him because at the end I was very disappointed. I should have realized, that he won't be making an effort to explain and tell me things, that I think I deserve to know. Dad, said he was going to the supermarket real quick, later that afternoon because he wanted to buy something and make some healthy dinner for me, which I insisted was not necessary, so when the bell rang after he left, I rushed down thinking it was Elliot, but to my surprise; it was the creep, Landon. I should have learn from all those lesson about watching from the hole or window to check on people before opening the door, but it was too late to regret. Before I could shut the door, he stuck his foot and stopped me from closing the door.

"I will call the cops, you stalker." I accused him, which is actually true because for starter we are not friends and he shouldn't be knowing my residential address, unless he followed me. I believe he just did.

"I just have some words for you." He give me one of those million dollar smiles, which I was damn sure made some people swoon for him, but since I have seen Elliot's smile, Landon's smile looked like a creepy one to me. Here, we go again, me thinking about a boy who does not even give a sh*t about me, I must have become one of his followers and ex, that he despises now and that thought bothered me.

"What is it?" I snapped. "Just so you know, you do anything there are evidence against you, there is camera around the house and the street."

He smiled, "I just wanted to talk." He shrugged. "Can I please come in? It's so cold out here."

"You think I am stupid?" I said, "Speak from here, or goodbye."

"You are fiesty." He said.

"Enough of the unnecessary talk, now talk something sensible." I snapped.

He chuckled, "You are beautiful." He said to me.

I scoffed.

"I get why he likes you." And I froze.

"What do you mean?" I questioned him.

"You two think I am stupid and I won't figure out you two are dating?" He said as he smirked.

"Who are you talking about?" I asked.

"Elliot." He said. "I know everything that goes around his life, he is the source of income for my club and after meeting you or something he is not coming as often and now he is completely off from club. I need to make money to keep the club running."

I was scared now for Elliot's safety. "You could always look for someone else." I pointed out.

"Have you seen him fight? He goes wild and it seem like he have some anger issue." He said. "He always bring me some good deal in the game."

"You should leave him alone." I tried.

"I just need him for one last game." He started and I shake my head, no.

"Why are you here? Why not go to him yourself?" I questioned him.

"If I go to him and I mention about coming after you, he will of course get mad and use his hand on my handsome face." He touched his face. "I need this handsome face in order to run the club, as well."

I believe Elliot use his face to run his club and not him, but I did not want to point out that.

"So you will threaten me?" I asked.

"Yes and no, your safety is in his hand. Just one last game he have to fight and if he wins then he is out of the club, he lose he sticks around."

"That sound way too unrealistic, what game is that for?" I asked.

"For gold." He said, smug. "He win the game then I keep the gold bars the other party is offering and I can run the club for a very long time without his help."

"So you are threatening my safety for the game? You want me to tell Elliot that?"

"He should have been smart enough in the first place." He pointed out. "He must be out of his mind to not watch over you."

"We are over is the reason why he is not watching me." I said.

"He likes you for sure, so it's a winning situation for me." He shrugged. "So tell your lover boy, 23rd of this month, come to the club for one last game or I am coming after you."

"Usually you go and confront with the person, who you have business with and here you are confronting with the person who you are planning to harm.."

"I don't follow the cliche." He said, winking. "See you around, babe. Remember our deal or you are.." he did not complete his sentence as he walked back to his car. I should have called the police on him, but I know he would then get back to Elliot and I cannot do that to him. I have to keep him safe, but what about now? How am I suppose to keep him safe from this vicious monster?

Author's Note: Thank you for reading, please give this chapter a Vote and share this book with other readers, thank you for your support ❤️

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