Chapter 8

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Like I assumed that there was a party last night, as half of the students looked drunk and tired. Why they hold party on a weekday is what I will never understand. Being part of the non popular crowd in school have its own perks of less dramas and less headaches. People still whisper when they see me and of course that have to do with our high school bad boy.

Elliot was still missing even after lunch and people whispered more seeing me, it's not like I hid him in a closet. He is always missing after party, that is something that they need help to recall. I know Elliot arrived to school at the end of the day, what's the point of even coming to school when classes are over? of course, he have to show his handsome and arrogant face to the school.

Abby and I had planned to visit the mall to help her find some clothings, when Elliot stopped us. His friends looked us up and down and of course judging us, all his friends or pets come from the same background like him. Rich and ungrateful.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To her house." I lied and I have no idea why, maybe because I don't want him to tag along. "We are baking with her mom and sister."

Abby give me an odd look, but none the less nodded her head in agreement, that's why she is my best friend. She have my back, well,that's what I would like to think.

"Okay. I will see you tomorrow ?" He said giving me a suspicious look.

At least he doesn't know me well enough to know, that when I lie my hands turns into a fist, I didn't know that until Abby pointed out and I tried to change my habit, but have been miserable. I did catch him looking at my hands, but he doesn't know that habit of mine; so it doesn't matter to me.

I waved him goodbye and pushed Abby to her car. I will make sure to lock the window properly tonight.

I stood outside the fitting room of women's H&M as Abby tried on some clothes, I saw Elliot casually walking towards me like I was waiting for him.

"What the heck? Are you stalking me, now?"

I noticed girls looking at him in awe and whispering, he is handsome, but arrogant. It's so sad, that he have no manners at all.

"Well, I thought why not to follow you and Abby and give a helping hand to bake whatever, her house is actually pretty cool." He mocked looking around the fitting room.

My cheeks burned with embarrassment as I was caught for lying.

"You are so adorable." He pulled my cheek.

"Why do I hear a British accent?" Abby stepped out in crop top and jeans.

He whistled and said, "Suits you." And give her two thumbs up and Abby blush.

"What are you doing here?" Abby asked.

"Well, I thought of coming over to your house to help you guys bake. I said to Ever here that your house is actually pretty cool."

"You too think she is a bad liar?"

He just shrugged.

"She have a habit of-" I pushed Abby back to the fitting room and said,

"Let's hurry up."

Elliot chuckled as he casually leaned on the wall with his arms folded. He flirted with the workers and some other girls who was waiting in line for their turns to use the fitting room.

I sipped my refresher as Elliot sipped his coffee while we followed Abby in the mall, who was explaining to us the different face wash and ways to keep our faces moisturize, but none of us was actually interested in that topic and I simply nodded my head, I saw the book store and quickly stopped.

"Abby, I have to purchase a book, I will be right back." I said to her.

"I will be in Sephora." She said and I nodded my head and looked at Elliot.

"You should go with her." Abby said to Elliot.

" No, why?" I asked horrified.

"I think we Are partners in crime." He grinned and put his arm on my shoulder.

"Look at you two." Abby teased. "Too bad that she doesn't trust you."

Elliot chuckled and did not say anything. When we reached the bookstore and I walked in, I made my way towards the fiction book to look for that book. Elliot was in the electronic section of the store and he was pretty absorbed by whatever the man in the counter was talking about. He didn't notice that I have finish purchasing the book and was waiting for him. He bought kindle reader device with gift cards. He passed the bag to me and I give him a quizzical look, "A gift from me to you."

My eyes widened, "No, thank you." I said. I don't want to owe anything from him. Already he is being too suspicious to me and buying these things is a big no. It means that he will expect something in return next time,

"No string attach."

"How can I trust you?" I give him a suspicious look.

"That's the thing, you can trust me. I am not that horrible either." He give me a smile. I was hesitant to take the bag, he shoved it to my hand and said, "I don't read books, so it will be a waste."

"You can actually get a refund if you don't want it."

"Troublesome." He winked and walked out of the store, leaving me speechless. He purchased up to $500 gift cards and the reader device is another cost. It made me feel miserable and made me feel like I am any other girl who he throws money to impress.

It's not even like he is impressing me with anything. I actually felt terrible for taking this expensive things from him.

"Don't worry." He said as he saw me frown. "I promise, I don't want anything in return. I just want you to be happy."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I believe you deserve to be happy."

"And what if I am happy?"

"Then maybe I should correct myself and say, you deserve to be much more happier and not everyone around you is going to leave you." He muttered the last sentence.

"What?" I asked, did I hear that right?

"You want ice cream?" He said pointing to the store and that's how he changed our conversation

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book! We reached 100 reads 😮 thank you for your support, please follow me and vote for the chapters and share this book with others!

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