Chapter 29

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I could already sense her rudeness when we were introduced, but she was either too bold or shameless and did not hide the fact that she hated me, when Elliot turned his back a little on us. I was hoping Elliot would stay, but he had to do something. She was disinterested when explaining to me and even said sarcastically.

"Wow, it took me four years and a lot of tuition fees and hard work to get this position and here you go, in high school getting paid to do this, very impressive."

I looked at her a little annoy by her behaviour, but I kept silent. She just walked in front of me as I followed her around, she said- "she was giving me a tour" she neither explain what her job is or what I am suppose to be doing here.

"What is my job here?" I asked.

"Well, you have to figure out. I am not going to explain to a teenager who is working here temporarily and who will be finding another job in the future. That's waste of my time and I am not paid to teach you." She said as she looked at her perfectly manicured nail. I did not know that you can have beautiful nails when you have to use your hands in the mud. Nice.

"How do you know if I will be looking for another job in the future? What if I am interested in this field?" I retorted and she smirked at me.

"Then good for you, here is a chance for you to learn by yourself." She said as she handed me some tools. "These are yours, do whatever the heck you want."

I give her a disbelief look and walked away to explore the place myself. I should have expected that, in reality you don't have rainbows and cotton candy. As  I look through the different plants, I heard her shrilling voice talking to someone and as expected, it was Elliot.

He give me a bright smile as I stood up. "All's good?" He asked me.

But Ms. M, who I learnt named Melanie beat me in answering and said, "Of course, I give her a tour too." She said looking at me and daring me to say something else with her eyes.

Elliot did not seem to care what she said and looked me straight in the eyes to see how I was actually feeling and I just nodded my head and give him a half smile, hoping it looked sincere. When I saw that Elliot bought the act, the inner me; clapped at my acting skills and I almost thought of taking drama class next year.

Mark came to announce that snacks was ready and I see the jealousy oozing out from Melanie as she give a fake smile to me and a flirty look to Elliot. She is going after a teenager, isn't that a crime? I know Elliot will be eighteen soon, but what the heck.

When we were away from Melanie, I relaxed a little as we walked in to his dining room. Marc prepared the English's afternoon tea, it was extravagant and luxurious and I almost questioned about how they made it so luxurious in such a short time, the plates all shone with the delicious snacks and I felt it was picture worthy and felt like a royal for the first time.

Elliot was embarrassed and looked at me from the corner of his eyes.

"I tried to prepare a quick afternoon tea, I would like to apologize if it is not up to your standards, but I can assure you, next time with a little advance in time, we can prepare much more better."

I almost gasped at his word, what the heck; this is by far the most beautiful and luxurious snack I have ever attended or seen and he said he can do much better?

"It's beautiful, I am sorry for the trouble. I can't imagine anything more than that, it is perfect." I said to him, to which he give me a relieve smile and looked at Elliot.

Elliot looked at me with a small smile and we proceeded to sit down as we were asked which "tea" I would like to have and I was appalled by that question.

"How about Earl Grey?" Mark suggested.

"Sure?" I said.

When it was just us two, I asked Elliot. "Do you guys always have this afternoon tea?"

"Not really, very rarely. My family, our schedules collides during the day, but we have supper together." He said and I nodded my head.

"What is your plan for tomorrow?" He asked casually and just to tease him a little, I asked the same thing back.

"What is your plan?" I smiled at him and he smirked.

"Well, I have basketball practice and coach will hunt me down if I don't show up in school, so you will be seeing me in school. What about you?"

"School like always." I said, nonchalantly.

"Are you able to wait for me after school?"

"Uh." I scratched my head, feeling a little guilty. "I would love to, but I have another plan."

"Like what?" He raised one of his eyebrow at me, looking at me rather suspiciously.

"Aiden and I are going out for a movie, I think or was it dinner?" I tried recalling. "One of them."

His glare was enough to make me worry about Aiden's life.

"You are not going." He said as he shake his head, in a disapproving manner. "I will take you after my practice."

"I already cancelled on Friday and I can't do it again on him."

"Okay, you can't? Then I will." He said, very casually.

"It's just a friendly one and why are you objecting to this, anyway?"

He looked at me like I have said something stupid. "Let me handle it, Ever."

"Now you can call me, that?"

"Of course." He give me a award winning smile. "You are my beautiful Ever." As he messed my hair a little and I smack him gently as I blushed at his compliment.

Mark coughed and said, "Sorry for the interruption, I just wanted to ask where would you like to have your supper today, Master."

"Elliot." Elliot corrected and looked at me. "Indoor please, summer would have been nice to enjoy an outdoor dinner, but I don't want Everly to catch a cold."

"I believe that too, Master." Mark agreed as he excused himself away once again.

"I can't stay for supper and I had enough to last me till morning."

"It's just supper and then I will drive you home." He said, giving me a pleading look. "I will be so lonely." He pouted and I couldn't say no to him, maybe because he is too adorable or maybe because he makes my heart flutter, what am I going to do with you Elliot Walker?

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give this chapter a Vote and a share, thank you for your support!!

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