Chapter 18

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Elliot drove us to school after our long delicious breakfast. When he said, he usually skip breakfast and I gasped.

"That's not nice." I said and put my one hand on my waist and glare at him. He shrugged at me and said.

"You never heard of a teen skipping breakfast? like seriously?" He asked.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."

He give me a weird look. "Not happening." He said and shake his head. He was dressed in a black hoodie and black skinny jeans, looking awfully good.

I frowned at him. "Okay." I said.

"Really." He said, surprised.

"Why are you surprise?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"You just said okay." He said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yes. I did, so?"

"You girls and your okay with period at the end."

"I did not say anything apart from okay."

"Why I have a feeling I will regret later if I don't eat now?"

"Because you are going to regret later." I smiled at him and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Why can't you eat a little with me" I asked, looking at him with a pleading look and he looked torn between following his daily schedule and listening to me for once.

"I don't listen to anyone, usually." He started and I glowered at him. "But I will make an exception today."

And I clapped pleased with his answer and he sighed. "Just this once." He give me a weird look.

"See? It is not that bad." I said as we started to eat the delicious pancakes.

"Yea." He added and sigh.

"Stop sighing, it is just breakfast!" I give him a horror look.

"I am sighing for another reason." He said.

"And what is that?" I asked him curiously and he just shrugged.

"You are so weird."

"So are you." He added and I smiled at him.

Our breakfast was great, the food was delicious and Elliot's mood was good. He did crack some jokes and he was playful too.

Once we reached school, I made it clear to him. No spotlights on me, whatsoever. He hang out with his friend and I hang out with Abby.

"What happened to Monday is for you guys? Shouldn't be the spotlights be with you, considering some students are not in."

"You are in, so of course spotlights will follow you."

"What if I want to be away from the spotlight for once?"

I laughed, "The spotlights will follow you always." And I sighed. "It is how it is. I will see you later." And I opened his car door, ready to hide as I put on a baseball cap.

"You are being ridiculous right now?" He said. "What is with the cap?"

"I cannot be seen with you or I will be in deep trouble."

"What trouble?" His frowned deepened.

"Long story, some other day." I said. "Have a good day and don't get into much trouble and also eat your lunch." And I got off the car, quickly. Knowing very well of all the eyes following me.

Either Elliot did not understand or he was pretending he did not understand what I just said because he got out of his fancy car and followed me.

"Don't follow me." I muttered to him, my feet trying to walk as fast as they could allow.

My two step is his one step and he was able to catch up with me and walk beside me and put his arm on my shoulder and that earned some gasps from the student.

"You better move your hand, before I twist it and embarrass you in front of the whole school." I warned.

"Friends do that." He said, very casually.

"Really?" I asked thoughtfully. The only friend I had is Abby, so I don't really know about having a guy friend.

"Yes." He said and looked around the school. "Damn, you are right. The school is so empty and peaceful."

"I don't even know how you guys keep up with your attendance." I said.

He must have not heard me because he looked awe as he looked around the almost empty school.

Abby looked so tired and she yawned as we walked towards her.

"You look tired." I added.

"Damn right, Tyler and I texted the whole night."

Elliot laughed at her comment.

"What are you doing here, today?" She asked.

"What do you mean what I am doing here, today? It's a Monday and a school day."

"Exactly. What are you doing here?"

"I got off the party early and had a good sleep, so I decided to come to school." And give me a wink.

Abby's mouth went wide open. "No, you did not." She gasped and gently pushed me by my shoulder.

"Don't spread rumours." I glared at Elliot and he laughed and he kissed the side of my head gently and pulled me closer to him.

"What rumours, baby?" He asked giving me an innocent smile.

I took his hand off my shoulder and glared at him.

"I will rip off your arm." I threatened.

He gasped, "Baby." He whined so loudly and I heard gasps from the others.

"Look at you two cheesy birds." Abby whistled.

"Don't you have class?" I snapped at him.

"We have the same class together, you forgot."

I blinked my eyes and then went, Oh. and they started laughing.

"Silly Everly." Abby laughed and I rolled my eyes at them.

"Sure." I called out to them and walked towards the entrance.

Students of course kissed the ground as he walked by them. They gawked and looked at him with admiration. I don't even understand how he have tattoo considering he is still underage. His tattoo hidden behind his hoodie hold much more meaning than anyone will ever know or understand.

"What are you looking at?" He asked as he put his arm around my shoulder as we walked together to our first class and I think the only one for today.

"Nothing." I lied. "Did you finish your assignment?"

He looked surprised and then smile, "Of course. Did you?" He teased and I laughed.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, help me to get 1k reads, we are almost there. Thank you for your vote and for your support ❤️

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