Chapter 16

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It's been a while since I went to Downtown, walking around the street reminded me of the time Abby and I first travelled here once we were allowed to get out of the house all by ourselves without the adult supervision, our weekend get-a-way spots look the same and I thought of how long we have been friends for.

"The reason why I am here, today." She give me a small apologetic smile and I give her a look. "There is a huge sale at Sephora."

My eyes widened and I shake my head, "You do know how I feel about crowd and how I hate standing in line."

"I know, but this Sephora is bigger compared to the one we go to and I needed accompany."

"You need no accompany because once you are in- you will be wild and alone searching for some make up kits. No way." I shake my head.

"I am sorry, Ever." She said giving me an apologetic look.

Next thing, I know I was in the store with people pushing each other for some make-up. Don't get me wrong with that, it is just I am not someone who will stand in line for make-up, but the irony is I was actually in that line few hours ago. You heard that right. I stood in the line until 2 pm to get entry into a store I am not interested in. Abby pulled me around, shoving things in her baskets and I almost thought all the make ups was free with the way she was shoving in the basket.

"Thanks Ever." She said as we stepped out of the store an hour later with bags full of her things. "Dinner is on me."

"That's alright." I said to her. "Just I don't like these things."

"I know, I'm sorry though. I needed little hand."

I shake my head. "Am I not a good friend?" I teased.

"Always." She grinned.

I sighed.

"We can go and eat in your favourite sushi place." She said, shrugging.

"Really?" I asked.

"Definitely." She said.

"You said you don't like sushi."

"There is other things there too." She said giving me a strange look. "Let's roam a little and go there."

"Abby." We heard someone calling her.

"Theo." She squealed when she saw him and I just awkwardly stand beside her as they hugged and seemed pretty excited.

"Hey, what a surprise." He said and looked at me, giving me a smile which I awkwardly returned.

"This is Everly." She introduced. "You must have seen her in the pictures."

"Definitely." He said, "You are more beautiful in person."

And I smiled awkwardly and wanted answer from Abby that why she shared my pictures with him.

"He is my distant cousin, moved from Chicago a while back."

I nodded my head, make a little sense now.

"What are you two doing here? May I asked?" He looked at us.

"Shopping." Abby chuckled and showed the bags.

"Oh wow." He chuckled. "Shouldn't have asked."

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Meeting my friends here."

"Wow, you made friends already? Didn't you move a while back?"

"Yea." He laughed and looked at me.

"I guess we should get going." Abby said. "Have fun with your friends, it was nice seeing you."

"Nice seeing you and you too." He looked at us.

Abby pulled me with her as we waved him, goodbye.

"I would have played cupid, but Elliot will kill me." She said. "I think he is interested in you." She wiggles her eyebrow.

"No." I said, you have to be kidding me.

"I know him." She said, "even though we hardly spent sometime, I know him a little more than you do."

"Whatever." I shrugged.

"Look at you." She said shaking her head, "You look so disinterested."

"I am." I said.

"I want to play cupid too." She whined.

"You might want to go to the film industry then." I suggested. "You can play whatever role you want."

She laughed. "Oh, how I wish." She said as we walked towards the subway station.

Elliot is someone I will never ever understand. One moment he is like the cheerful child of the neighbourhood and the next he is that child who everyone wants to move away from. He was sitting outside my place, giving me one raised eye-brow as soon as he saw me.

"What?" I asked.

"Where did you go?" He asked with a little hint of annoyance

"Why?" I asked, a little agitated by how he is at the moment.

"You were not at home and I doubt you have any friends to hang out with." He said.

Ouch, that's not nice. I know, I hardly have friends, but that does not mean I stay at home, always.

"What is your problem?" I asked.

"You." He snapped.

"When am I a problem to you?" I questioned his sanity now.

"Who did you go out with?"

"Who I go out with is none of your business." I said.

"Of course." He snapped. "It is all my business."

"What are you doing here? Don't you have a party to attend?"

"That's right." He said, "I, of course have a party to attend." And moved to his car and opened the door.

He shut the door loudly and pulled out of the drive way and drove away, clearly mad this time. I stood outside the dark, thinking how crazy I am for wishing I should have stopped him and asked him what was wrong and why he is upset? And for the first time I wished I had the courage to ask someone to stay as I turned and walked inside the quiet house.

Elliot Walker, You make me feel and want things, that I know, I cannot have in life.

Author's Note: Hey readers, I know yesterday was suppose to be the update, sorry for not updating yesterday. Thank you for waiting, help me get 1000 reads for this book for a bonus Updates. Read my other books and share this books with other readers, your support is appreciated. Thank you for your constant support ❤️ you all make my day with your comments and supports. Have a good one❤️

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