Chapter 38

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"Where is the burning smell coming from?" I said as I sat up straight from the couch and looked at Elliot, who seemed to be struggling with the pan. The house smelled of smoke and burn and I had to rush to turn off the gas and open the window.

"I thought you knew how to cook." I said as I cough from the smoke.

"I am still learning." He said and my eyes widened.

"And you told me to sit on the couch and relaxed?"

He give me a sheepish look, "I am just not use to this kitchen and the pots and pans."

"You should have told me." I said, shaking my head and rubbing my hands together. The winter's breeze was filling the house very quickly.

"Take out?" He asked.

"No." I said, rolling my eyes as I walked to him. "I will cook."

"Are you sure?"

"Take out is expensive and not good for our health. We will cook meals today." I said, motivated.

I didn't have doubt about Elliot's intelligence. He takes information, very quickly, it's just his skills in the kitchen is lacking like the knives and openers. Apart from that, he quickly understood what I wanted to make and how I wanted things to be done.

When we sat down to eat, he said, "I had fun cooking."

"Glad you did." I said.

"I should not complain when someone cook food for me now, it's lots of hard work."

"It sure is." I said as I agreed with him.

"Can we watch movie later?" He asked.

"That was random, but sure." I said.

"Where did your parents go? How long are they away?"

"They went to Europe just visiting their family, should be back in three weeks."

"That's a long vacation."

"They usually go for a month there."

"Have you went to Europe before?"

"Yes, every summer until I was 14 maybe?"

"Why did you stop going?"

"Thought I can do something productive in summer."

He nodded his head. "But don't we all like going for vacation?"

Little does he know, the cousins I meet over there keep reminding me, that I am adopted. Phillip and Barbara doesn't know about their nephew and nieces teasing me about the adoption, they would be devastated.

I just give him a small smile in return, hoping he wouldn't question more. He took my hand and looked me straight in the eyes and said, "I'm here to listen and I do not judge."

I almost choked and cried from the sincerity in his voice. He must have noticed the glossy eyes and before I can look away, he said.

"There are things in life that we wish were different, but whatever happened shouldn't hold you back from being happy."

"Why do I feel like you know something about me and you are trying to hint me something ?" I whispered.

He stayed silent and before he could say anything, my phone rang. It was Abby, I stood up to talk to her somewhere else because I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of Elliot. He pulled me back and I fell in his lap, really embarrassed as my cheek flushed.

"You don't have to feel shy about picking calls in front of me." He whisper. "but it's fine if you want to talk privately with her."

I nodded my head and quickly got up from his lap and ran to some private place to talk to.

"How was it?" Was her first question.

"Why would you even do that?" I am not complaining now, Elliot and I are doing great and maybe even better. We opened a little bit about ourselves and we even took another step to decide to be in a relationship.

"He begged me to do it." I can hear her smile in her voice. "It was adorable, he wanted to speak to you and I thought why not? There is no harm in talking and plus I was unwell for real."

"How are you feeling?"

"Better than before, I woke up from my nap and I saw it was lunch break in school, so thought why not go just ask you."

"We are not in school." I whispered, hoping she didn't hear that, but she did.

"OMG!" She screamed. "What are you two bad children doing." She teased.

"We were eating lunch."

"Skipping school together." She sang.

"It's nothing like that."

"Nothing like that." She repeated. "I left you two for an hour and you two decide to skip school."

Before she can tease me more, I lied- someone is calling me.

"Sure, your boyfriend must be calling you."

"How do you know?" I gasped.

And she laughed. I didn't want her to tease me now, already I am so embarrassed for falling into Elliot's lap before.

Elliot seemed to be enjoying every moment and was teasing me here and there. We washed dishes together, which might I add he had no idea what to do.

"You are a prince at home, ain't you?" I teased.

"A handsome prince." He smiled. "Everyone fights to do my work."

"Sure thing."

"No kidding."

"I can believe that." I nodded my head. "How is Melanie doing?" I asked, remembering that woman who I was suppose to work with, but glad did not.

"Why?" He asked.

"Just like that." I said, casually.

"We meet very rarely, I am not home most of the time as you know."

"Why? Where do you go?"

"I come home late from practices."

"You mean parties?" I said and realized it might have sounded rude and quickly apologized.

"You are right, I meant parties." He said, trying to make me feel better.

"What is so fun about parties?" I questioned.

"Nothing, it's just teenagers who make stupid decisions and regrets it the next day."

"Sounds fun."

"Very." He said.

When we finished with our dishes. I walked to my room. I know it is bad, but when I am at home and had a delicious meal, I tend to get sleepy, but try to keep myself busy to stop myself from sleeping. If we sit on the couch and watch movie I know that I will fall asleep.

He looked at me and give me a suggestive look. "No, we are not doing anything funny."

"I didn't say anything." He grinned. "Are you suggesting me something?"

I rolled my eyes at him as he laughed. "You are so cute." As he messed my hair a little and I quickly swat his hand away.

It feels nice to be this relax and comfortable around each other now, but will we be able to work out without falling apart?

Author's Note: Hello readers, how are you guys doing? Firstly, I want to thank you all for 6k reads! Thank you everyone for reading and voting for the chapters. Your support is greatly appreciated, please give this chapter a Vote and share this book with other readers. Thank you so much and Happy readings!

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