Chapter 36

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For the first time, I was hoping that Elliot would speak up or even cuss or maybe even react a little, but he stood still looking at me. I sighed and looked at how hopeless the situation is.

"I can't." I started. "I think we should stick to being friends, if you want." I said. I was hoping he would say no, but he just nodded his head, muttered an okay and left.

Just like that, our friendship was over.

It's been a month and everything was going back to its original places, I found a part time job officially in a book store, I never showed up for work at Elliot's place because I thought it will be uncomfortable for both of us, how unprofessional of me. Apart from planting, my next favourite thing to do is reading, I love books and this book store allows us to read any book and recommend to the public by posting stickers about it. The manager was nice and so was my colleague and I was in love with my job, I work four days a week and sometime more, if I pick someone else's shift. Elliot was still fooling around in the school, beating up students and making fun of them. He seems to be back to his normal self and we pretended not to know each other, when we see each other in the hallway, we both look away as quickly as possible and move away quickly. Winter rolled in, and it was super cold. I am not a big fan of winter due to the extreme cold and also because of the snow storms, wearing layers of clothes makes it more uncomfortable for me and I am a person who looks for comfort.

As I waited for Abby that morning near the door. I did not expect Elliot to be waiting outside my door. Everything about him screamed expensive from his jacket to his boots. His face was a little red and his nose was a little more redder compared to his face.

"What are you doing here?" I said.

"It's so cold." He complained about the weather as he push passed me to get inside the warm house, due to the heater.

He took off his shoes and walked to the kitchen. He looked way too comfortable and walked around casually.

"What are you doing here?" I asked again.

"Abby is not coming to pick you up this morning, she informed me that she is unwell and she said your parents are away and you don't have a ride."

I was slightly annoyed,Abby did not inform me about her health, but Elliot knows about it.

"I can get to school by myself." I said, well, not really, I may have to stay in because today it's going to be bad. The winter storm was approaching and the city warned about it and most school was shut down and of course there is some exceptional schools like mine, but the school informed that it is optional.

"Sure, you can." He remarked sarcastically. "Next I will be informed that you were lost in between the snow."

"What did you just say?" I said slightly annoyed. "You should go to school or go home, just go."

"Sure." He said, but he made no effort to go anywhere.

I started taking off my jackets and outdoor clothing and he asked. "What are you doing?"

"I am skipping school."

He smirked and said, "for real? Nerdy knows how to skip school?"

"For starter I am not a nerd, you are the biggest nerd over here and I do skip school when there is no option."

"There is option, I am here to pick you up."

"I am good, you may go ahead with whatever you are doing and sorry for the trouble." I said.

He shake his head slightly as he too got comfortable and started taking off his winter wear clothing.

"What are you doing?" I asked, suspiciously.

"Getting comfortable, here."


"You don't expect me to leave so soon, do you? It's been a while since I am here."

"Not my problem, now leave." I said."

"Make me leave." He grinned as he sat on the couch with a challenging look.

"Let me know when you are leaving." I muttered as I took my things to move it upstairs.

He followed me and I stopped midway, turned and glared at him, trying to intimate him, but he of course found it amusing, as he was smiling at me.

"Stop it!" I said annoyed, I was upset by the fact, that for a month we were pretending to not know each other and now here he is, pretending we are friends?

"What did I do?"

"I thought we are pretending to be strangers." I pointed it. "So let's keep it that way."

"I never pretended to be a stranger with you." He said. "You did."

"Sure." I said.

"Who do you think have been putting foods in your locker everyday?" He asked, casually.

"It was you?" I asked, surprised. "How do you know my locker's code."

"I know things about you." He said. "Glad to know you liked the chocolates. You're very welcome."

My cheek burnt, if only I had knew it was from him. Abby did hinted that it might be from Elliot, but it was impossible because Elliot and I have officially broken our friendship.

"You should have known, I am offended." He said as he put his hand on his heart.

"Why would you do that?" I asked.

"You do know that I like you." He said.

"But that day you did not say anything. I thought we agreed to be friends because you did not want to explain somethings to me."

"I wanted to disagree, but then I don't want to explain something to you."

"Why?" I asked.

He moved his face closer to my face, his minty breath breathing near me.

"Because you for sure is starting fire in a place that is not needed."

"What?" I asked, confused.

He smiled and said, "I missed you." And pulled me in for a hug.

Author's Note: 5k reads?!? Wait, what? Thank you so much for reading this book, we are half way to 10k reads!! Can we do it? Please give this chapter a Vote and share this book with others. Thank you once again for your support ❤️

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