Chapter 34

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"My main goal is to graduate without any drama." I said.

"High school without drama." He said thoughtfully. "I think that's going to be impossible."

"It is, everyday there is some drama going on in school." And give him a look.

"What is with that look?" He asked.

"Nothing." I smiled, sweetly. He is the reason, most of the dramas take place in school. Girls fight for him, guys fight to be in his group; popular children bully people to secure themselves the position of being popular than him. All the studious students, bury themselves in books to get better grades than Elliot. Athletic students train themselves harder to beat him in games.

While Elliot, he does all of these with little efforts. He is the most relaxed person when it comes to sports and academics.

"There is always something, behind that nothing." He said. "Are you hinting me something?"

"What? Am I?" I fake gasp.

He smiled.

"Why are you smiling now?"

"Reason eight, I will give my all to see you happy."

And my smile fell and I looked at him. Happiness was something I am so not familiar with, laughing for a short period of time, is it happiness. Am I happy?

"You deserve to be happy." He added and looking away quickly before I can catch him staring.

"You will be breaking hearts if we date." I said, trying to ease the sudden awkwardness between us.

"We all do, if I date you, you will be breaking someone else's heart too."

"Why all of a sudden?" I questioned the situation.

"All of a sudden I am telling you how I feel?" He asked as I nodded my hair. "because I realized if I don't do it now, you will never find out how I feel about you.. and maybe someone else will take this chance and I hate regrets." He said as he suddenly got angry, most likely remembering something as his hands turned into a fist.

Before I can say something, a silver haired girl interrupted us, she looked beautiful with the black leather jacket in a white shirt and black skinny jeans and boots. She was taller than me and most likely around our age or older.

"El." She said as she put her hand on his shoulder in a flirty way. "It's been a while, don't see you much often in the base." And give me a quick look. "Who is she?" She asked, not attempting to introduce herself, neither did I bother to tell her my name.

Elliot moved her hand away, quickly and said, "Lexi, what are you doing here?" He asked with an annoyed look.

"Just came here to grab some sandwiches. Glad that I came, you don't hang around with us anymore, you just come for the game." She pouted.

"I'm busy." Elliot said.

Lexi rolled her eyes at him and said, "Is it because of her?" And looked at me.

"That's none of your business." He pointed out to her.

"Hunter said you were roaming with some cute girl, most probably it is her."

"He told you all about it?" Elliot asked, glaring at her.

"We share things, El. You should be knowing better. All I can say is she look too naive, are you sure about this?"

I have no idea what they were talking about. I recall meeting a guy called Hunter one point of time, when I was with Elliot.

"You know I am here, right?" I spoke up and Elliot seemed as surprise as I was for speaking up. I usually stay quiet in situation like these.

"Never said you were not." She said, sarcasm dripping from her tone. "Never thought Elliot liked goody-two-shoes."

"I am not a goody-two-shoes." I pointed out.

"Sure." She said as she looked at Elliot. "See you this weekend, babe." She left before blowing him a kiss.

I scrunched my nose in disgust and looked at him;hoping he will explain or say anything, but instead he asked if we are done and was rushing to get out from there. The drive to our home was once again awkward, something I should have seen it coming. Elliot always build a wall when he doesn't want to explain some certain things in his lives, I understand that somethings in our lives we want to hold it to ourselves, but if he wants a relationship with me. I want communication or anything other than just blocking me out and then coming back to me when you are in a better mood.

He seemed disinterested while I spoke to him to help him ease a little, so I just kept my mouth shut. We said our goodbye and walked to the door. I sighed when I walked in and a little upset of how Elliot was handling situation and wonder if I react the same way when I have situation like these. Do I block people out of my life? I have to reflect on things and start working on to improve my relationship.

Phillip was home and was munching on some snacks as he was watching some game.

"Dad." I said to him and sat down beside him.

"Yes." He asked.

"Do you think I need to work on my communication skills with you and Barbara? I need feedbacks."

That surprised him as he sat up. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"Like when I have problems and you guys ask me, do I shut you guys out? Is that the normal way we humans do?" I said, trying to explain.

"You don't usually share problems with us." He said, thoughtfully. "You can of course come to us for help or any advice. Communication is important, so we all are in the same page in the story."

"Same page?" I said.

"Yes, maybe you are having trouble and you need help; you should try speaking up about it and share it with someone you are close to about it. Someone who you trust and know will keep it between you guys and who is going to understand you and help you. Your mom and I are always here for you. Is there any problem?"

"Not at the moment." I said. "I was just curious and reflected about my way of communication with others."

"Maybe you can speak to us a little more. You don't talk much to us." He pouted.

"I sure will do. Are you hungry?" I asked.

"I am, I ordered sushi for us tonight." He said and winked and I laughed.

"I will go and take a shower, I ate some snacks so maybe a late dinner."

"Elliot?" He asked as I stood up. I nodded my head. "That guy is whipped for you." He muttered to himself and I almost thought I heard it wrong. "See you soon, honey." He calls out as I walked upstairs.

Elliot, you and I may need to have some chat very soon, I thought to myself as I looked at myself in the mirror. "You for starter, you need to overcome your fear." I said to myself in the mirror. "And we will start from today, right now."

Author's Note: Hello readers, this is a the update for today, the other chapter was a bonus due to the votes that was reached. Please give this chapter a Vote, we are so close to 4K reads!! Thank you for your support ❤️

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