Chapter 23

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My eyes widened at his question.

"I mean, like a date? We can get to know each other, first." He asked, nervously.

I looked at him for a brief moment and I was not sure, if I was ready to give a relationship a try.

He looked at my hesitant face and said, "just dinner." He assured me and then I give in. He looked relieved and give me a smile, which I returned happily.

The next day, I felt like my whole body was burning as I got a massive headache and was on bed the whole day. Barbara did came to check on me and made sure I took my medications on time. Abby stayed over, making things much more easier for Barbara. Aiden left around eleven, last night and I can say, he is fun to hang around with.

I sat on my bed, my back on the head board. I was starring at the floor; I was too exhausted to do anything.

"You look miserable." I hear Abby said and I did not answer or reply anything. I just didn't have the energy to reply.

I wiped my running nose and looked at her, she was sitting at the end of my bed and give me a weird look.

"What?" I asked her.

"Elliot is downstairs."

"Why?" I asked, surprised.

"He just came over, your parents went to work."

"And why is he here?"

"He definitely looked like he got into a fight last night." She said and my stomach dropped and I felt nauseous hearing that.

"What happened to him?" I asked, as I tried to get up, but my body was too tired and my head started spinning as I immediately put my hand on my head.

"He have bruises and cut, he claims to be fine." She said, shrugging and just in time- he walked in with a tray. He definitely have cuts under his lips and a little bruise below his eyes.

"What the heck happened to you?" I asked.

"Just a little game, Ever." He said and looked me straight in the eyes and I scowled at him.

Right, that game. How can I forget he went for that boxing game.

He put the tray, next to me and I looked at it. There was sandwiches and a drink.

"You should eat up, I did not make that." He told me. "I would love to when you are much better."

"Thanks." I said.

"Don't you have party to attend today?" Abby asked and I looked at him to see his eyes was already on me.

"I can skip one, today." He said.

"Of course." Abby said, sarcasm dripping in her voice.

"Eat up." He said as he looked at me.

"What did you do yesterday to deserve that? I think you deserve that, for ignoring Ever." Abby said as she flipped through some magazine.

"I know." He said and sounded guilty.

"You had your own reason to, don't you?" I said, hoping he would explain, but he give none.

"Just giving you an update, Aiden is coming over soon." Abby said, casually and looked at Elliot for any kind of reaction and he stiffened and did not say anything.

"Why?" I asked as I looked at her and she smiled.

"He was worried about you and kept asking me about you, so I thought why not just called him over?"

I looked at Elliot and he said, "Eat up." And pushed the plate closer to me.

"Are you okay?" I asked about his injury.

"Why won't I?" He said as he stood up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I am here." He assured me as he scanned my little collection of books and pull out one. "I am going nowhere." And sat beside me with his leg stretched out and casually reading the book. That must have made Abby mad, his nonchalant attitude and mostly because he is pretending that we were okay and that he did not just ignore us in school for almost the whole week. She scoffed and later smirked at the sound of the door bell.

"That must be Aiden." She smiled, sweetly at Elliot, who was still busy reading the book.

"Are you sure you are okay?" I asked him, when Abby left the room. His cuts and bruises are worrying me.

He looked at me and said, "You should worry about yourself."

And that shut me up and I think he realized that I was very upset with his rudeness and before he can explain or apologize, Aiden walked in with some flowers and handed to me. He did scowled at Elliot for a brief moment before giving me his warm smile.

"What are you doing here?" He asked Elliot.

"Something, that shouldn't be your business." He answered casually.

"You are so rude." Abby snapped at him.

"And?" Elliot said, as he dropped the book he was reading beside me and stood up, towering over Aiden. Aiden didn't look intimidated like I thought he would be.

"Are you leaving?" Aiden asked.

"Yes." Elliot said and added. "In your dreams." And smiled at Aiden who scoffed at his sarcasm.

Elliot moved around the room, very swiftly and Aiden looked at him, "You have come to her room, before?"

He did not answer and was showing Aiden, who really belong to this room. I was way more than uncomfortable and stressful about the situation.

"You should relax." Elliot whispered in my ear. "I am just teasing him."

"I don't like the teasing and most importantly you being rude." I whispered back.

"I know." He said, as he took the tray from me and give me, my medication.

"Then why?" I asked and I did not get the chance to complete my sentence as Aiden found something amusing in my room to distract all of us and that's where our conversation ended. I went back to bed, unknowingly.

When I woke up, I looked at the window, the blind was not yet down and it was dark outside. I have no idea what time was it and sense that I was alone, there was no noise coming from the house- making me believe it should be midnight. I thought Abby was staying over, but I guess she did not. I sat up only to be freak out by Elliot's voice.

"You are awake?"

Author's Note: Thank you for your support and patience, please give this chapter a Vote and a share❤️

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