Chapter 39

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Elliot made it much more difficult for me to stay awake, he was playing with my hair as he was reading a book while my head was on his lap,how we ended up in that position is something I have to recall. My eyes was becoming heavy as I yawned. He peaked a little from behind the book and said,

"Are you sleepy now?"

"Yes, all thanks to you."

He smiled, "You're most welcome."

"It's been two hours since I am trying to stay awake."

"Why?" He asked.

"Should I go to sleep then?"

"Sure, you are tired." He said as he continued to massage the roots of my hair.

"What will you do?" I said looking at him and he smiled and said.

"I will keep myself busy." He winked and leaned down close to me and kiss my forehead. "Sweet dreams, angel."

"Hmm." I muttered as I closed my eyes and he continued to keep me relax and soon I give in to sleep.

When I woke up, it was dark outside and for a moment I thought it was midnight and then realized it's winter, it's darker outside way quicker than before. Elliot was no where to be seen in my room and I was disappointed, until I heard some weird noises downstairs and I hope it is Elliot and not some burglars, I cautiously went down to check and I see Elliot coughing as he tried to make something. He looked adorable and confused at the same time as he was talking to someone on the bluetooth.

"I think it is burning." He whined to whoever was on the phone. "Okay? keep it low heat?" As he did what he was told. I watched him cook in the corner. He was concentrating way too hard in cooking and it was nice to watch.

"If I burn the house, make sure you are prepare to speak about renovation." Elliot said and he laughed as I think someone said something funny. "I just hope not, I want to be on their good side."

He then face timed someone and I see him showing that person the oven.

"Okay, I press on and then what temperature should I press?"

Elliot was neat in kitchen, he struggled, but he was neat. When he was done with one thing he made sure he clean that up before doing the next step. I looked like a weird person stalking him.

"Oh hey." He said as he realized I was standing and watching him. "You are awake?"

"Yes, been a while. What are you doing?" I asked as I approached him.

"I thought to cook us something."

"Was it a success this time?"

"I don't know? I hope so.." he said as he looked in the oven.

"What did you make?"

"Mac and cheese, but a better version."

"I like Mac and cheese."

"I know, but I thought to make a better version."

"You seem to know quite a lot of things about me, did you stalk me?"

"I know some things about you."

"Can I learn something about you as well?"

"I don't mind." He said.

"Favourite color?"

"Neutral colours."

"No wonder you always wear those colors."

"Can't choose between them."

"Favourite cuisine?"

"In between Italian and Japanese."

"Sweet. Comfort food?"

"Definitely, grill cheese."


That evening I learnt quite a lot of things about Elliot, his favourite subject and favourite things to do. It was interesting to know he liked History and he explained why.

"History is something we cannot change, but we can learn and it's interesting to see how far we have come compared to back in those days."

"You are planning to take any philosophical class in the future?"

"I don't mind, but I think I will pass."

"You really think life in a deeper way."

He did not say anything and just in time the oven beeped. His Mac and Cheese was unexpectedly delicious.

"I had to ask someone to drop some of the ingredients and I did took some help."

"This is actually good."

"We should make Mac and cheese balls next time." He suddenly got excited.

"I would actually love that."

"Can I stay over?" He asked. "I can sleep on the couch or your floor or anywhere. I don't feel nice knowing you are alone in this house."

"I think I am good."

He give me a look that said no arguments and I sighed and said, fine, but made sure to lay down the rules.

"No funny businesses."

He gasped and put his hand in his heart. "What do you mean funny businesses? I am deeply offended.I am a gentleman with great sense of humour."

I chuckled at his come back. "Sense of humour? Did I hear it right?"

"Don't you think I have a good one?"

"No, you don't have any sense of humour, you are just too cold at times."

"I think compare to us two, I have a better sense of humour and this time I gasped.

"Say it again?" I said.

"You heard it, not repeating."

And I huffed as he chuckled and took one of my hand. "Your reactions are so cute."

"Glad you find it entertaining." I retorted.

"Me too." He said as I rolled my eyes at him.

After dinner, I decided to take over for some desserts. I made the waffle batter and used the machine to make waffle and scoop it up with some ice cream syrup.

"I like this." He said.

"The waffles?"

"Yes and also us being able to do these things together."


"I think communication works."

"Doesn't it always?"

He shrugged. I didn't know he is the happiest when it comes to dessert, he seemed to be enjoying the dessert and it made me happy seeing that.

"How often do you go for fights?" I asked.

He paused and then said, "I used to do every once a week, but I have been participating less, lately. They don't like it though. I am trying once every two weeks or three."

"Can I come with you for the next one? I will even go in disguise."

"Nice try." He said, "I can't."

I started sulking and he added,

"We will see." And then sigh, while I smiled.

"I want to support you."

"I know." He said with a small smile. "Let's hope everything will be good."

Author's Note: Hello readers, we made it to 7k reads?!? Thank you so much. Currently, "Loving Everly Gray" is ranked #1 in goodgirl category in Wattpad. Thank you so much for reading and voting for the chapters. Your support means a lot ❤️ please share this book with other readers. Thank you once again! Happy readings!!

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