Chapter 26

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After school, Elliot was leaning against my locker and glaring at everyone who was looking at him. He looked very intimidating that way.

Before I could reach him, someone stepped in front of me and I almost fell behind my back before they caught me.

"Are you okay?" He asked,worried. "I am sorry, I took you off guard."

"It's okay." I tell him and looked at him. His height covering me from seeing Elliot.

"Where are you going?" Aiden asked as he turned to look behind him. "Oh." He said looking disappointed. "You are hanging out with him?"

"I am not exactly sure about that?" I said. "He have plans, I believe so? But not sure if it is with me."

"If not, do you want to go somewhere with me?" He asked hopeful.

"I would love that?" I said, not wanting to say no to him. "Where are we going?"

"I wanted to go to the park near school for our assignment and thought you might like it too."

That definitely perk my interests as it is related to school and environment. Elliot stood behind Aiden, towering us. His death glare is unavoidable and I tried to ease the tension that was building between us. Both Aiden and I was cautious of Elliot as we did not want him to create some scenes and wanted him to be in a good mood.

"Are you ready?" He simply asked me, ignoring Aiden who was standing in front of me.

"What is the plan?" I asked him, cautiously looking for any reaction.

"I will drop you off home." He said with a grim face and looked at Aiden.

"Then she can come with me." Aiden said, looking at Elliot straight in the eyes, almost challenging him.

"What do you mean?" Elliot snapped.

"I am inviting her to work on an assignment together." Aiden said, calmly.

Elliot snorted and give him a death glare, before looking at me. "I can help you with the assignments."

"Don't you have other plans?" I asked.

"That can wait." He said to me. "Where are you guys planning to go to do your 'assignments'." He said emphasizing on the word, assignments.

"To the park near school."

Elliot chuckled and pulled me by my sleeve, gently. "We will see you there."

I looked back at Aiden who waved awkwardly back at me as Elliot pulled me towards his car in the almost empty parking lot.

"I thought you have plans." I said again.

"That can wait." He muttered. "That guy seem troublesome to me."

"Did I heard it right?" I asked him, surprised by his words. "Do you even know him to know he is troublesome?"

"I don't need to know him to know he is troublesome, I can sense it."

This time I laughed, sarcastically. "What is it? Are you a sensor for troubles now?"

He smirked at me, "I believe so.. I am always hundred percent right about people when I use my troublesome sensor."

"You sound like a weirdo now." I scrunched my nose and he smiled as he pulled the door opened for me.

"Better a weirdo than a pervert." I heard him mutter lightly under his breath.

I almost questioned him about his comment, but he was quick enough to change the topic. We reached before Aiden even though we stopped to get some foods.

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