Chapter 30

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I have never seen this carefree and fun side of Elliot before.It made me feel relax and comfortable seeing him this way. I was worried about when he will turn back to his egotistical and bad-boy self again.

He was talking about some random time in London and I was curious about his life before coming here. His phone went off as he looked for his phone, he saw the caller ID and immediately scowled.

"Brianna?" I asked curiously.

"She is so f^cking annoying." as I see him typing something on his phone. And I feel my walls building up on its own once again, the little bond we were making was broken and now I was in the awkward stage. My feelings for him was something I have never felt before, but for him it is something he is used to seeing and I am one girl out of the many girls whose heart flutter by just seeing him.

I was so glad that my phone went off next and it was Phillip, it was a good way to escape from here with that excuse. I excused myself as I picked up the call.

"Hey Ever? Where are you, honey?" He asked me, worriedly.

"I am sorry." I apologize to Phillip. "I am actually out with my friend."

"Uh? Is it the part where I am suppose to go, okay? You can stay a little late until 10 pm or should I be saying you should come home?"

I smiled a little at his joke and in serious note said, "okay, I am coming home."

"I see, you want to escape.Do you want me to pick you up?"

"Sure?" I said, not wanting to be in the same little space with Elliot.

"Text me the address, I am coming for you."

"Thanks!" I said as I ended the call and went to Elliot to ask for his address.

"Who was it?" He asked me.

"My dad, he was wondering where I was and wanted me to come home- it's school day, so he doesn't want me to stay around late, he is coming to pick me up and I have to give him the address, would you mind?" I asked him.

He frowned. "What about supper? Or dinner?" He said a little flustered by the sudden change in the plan.

"I am very sorry about that." I said, apologizing.

"I can drop you off." He offered.

"He said he is on his way home and said he will pick me up." I lied.

"Isn't he home already?" He raised one of his eyebrow.

Just then Phillip texted me:

"Address please."

And I showed Elliot to which he sighed and typed in. He called for Mark and said I will be leaving soon and asked him to pack dinner for my family and I.

"Don't stress about it." I said, "I am good, sorry about that Mr. Mark."

"It happens, Ms. Everly. I will get your foods pack."

Before I can object, he walked away quickly.

I think Phillip was around the area because he was there in ten minutes and he looked both in awe and confusion as he looked at the house in front of us.

He was standing and waiting for me, down the stairs and he was surprised to see, most probably who my "friend" was.

"Mr. Gray?" Elliot greeted.

"Elliot? Is it?" Phillip said as they shook hand as I stood beside Phillip.

"Yes, sir." Elliot said.

"I believe you two have school tomorrow, which is why I want Everly to be at home by now." Phillip said looking at me and then at Elliot.

"I totally understand." Elliot said, "If you don't mind, we packed some dinner for your family."

Phillip looked at Elliot with such seriousness, that for a moment I thought he was going to say something mean to Elliot, but him being the nicest man, thanked Elliot and looked at me.

"Ready?" He asked me.

"Yes." I said, almost ready to get out from there. I don't even know if accepting work at Elliot's place was a good idea anymore.

Elliot looked at me with a confused look as I waved him good-bye. He seem to want to say something, but he decided not to.

"That guy is rich." Phillip said, stating the obvious.

"Yea." I said.

"No wonder, he can pull himself up better than usual teens, he have manners too." He said impressive. "Good family background."

I give him a weird look.

"What?" He asked me, laughing. "I am not saying he is good for you like I am your Dad and any guy near you, I obviously have to first say no to them."

That made me laugh a little and he sighed.

"What was wrong? You did not want to spend time with him?"

I sighed. "It's complicated." I said covering my face.

"You can always share your problems with me, Ever. You know I always got your back."

"It's just him and I, we are so different. He is the popular guy." I said. "He is confusing, one time he is nice with me the next he is cold and also he might have a fling with someone else."

Phillip made a face when I used the word, "fling"

"He have good looks. I cannot disagree with that, but if he plays with heart. I cannot let you near him." He said.

"I know, I am being cautious." I said, this was the first honest and close talk I ever had with Phillip and it made me feel a little better sharing my thoughts and feelings to him.

"I got your back, always." He give me a quick glance.

"Thank you." I said.

"You are my daughter, I have to protect you, so I am not accepting that thank you." He jokes and I smiled a little.

"But you can admit he is handsome." He added and I laughed.

"Sure, he is." I said, shaking my head.

"My little girl have crush, wait till I tell your mom about it." He said, gushing in excitement.

"No!" I pleaded him.

As he threw his head back and laughed, him and I both know that Barbara will invite Elliot over for dinner and most probably will hold an interview to see if he is compatible. That would be so embarrassing and Elliot might even run off to the hills because as far as I know, he is never into relationship and commitments. Of all the people in the world, why do my heart flutter for someone who won't feel the same way about me as I do for him? That bothered me, as we pulled into the drive-way.

Author's Note: Thank you for 3K reads! Thank you for reading this chapter, please give this chapter a Vote and comment down below if you are liking the book so far, thank you for your support once again, happy readings!!

Author's Note: Thank you for 3K reads! Thank you for reading this chapter, please give this chapter a Vote and comment down below if you are liking the book so far, thank you for your support once again, happy readings!!

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