Chapter 59

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Dad and Mom left the room when she noticed the silent between Elliot and I.

"Ain't you suppose to be in London?" I asked, surprised.

"How can I be in London when you are here?" He tilted his head to the side and looked at me.

"This does not make sense, so you are only here because I am here?" I asked. "Don't feel burden by this, I am okay."

"I have to feel the burden and the guilt. You are here because of me, you were in pain because of me, everything that happened is all because of me."

I shake my head, he have no idea what he is talking about. "I am here because I landed myself here, you should not take the blame, all the time."

"You wouldn't have been here if he wouldn't have known you,if I didn't show you into my world."

"He and I made a deal, which is why I am here." I said looking at the white walls.

"You and he did what?" He exploded.

"We had a talk and came to a conclusion." I said.

"What was the deal?"

"He wanted you to play a game and told me to bring you."

"You should have told me!" He said, all of a sudden his anger flared up at me, then it suddenly died. "Was it because I left? That's why you didn't contact me about it?"

"Yes and No." I said, giving him a sheepish look. "He told me before you left."

"You got to be kidding me." He glared at me.

"Don't give me that look." I said poking his cheek. "Where is your dimple?"

He smiled, "There it is." And then realizing how he give in, he rolled his eyes at me.

"Everything is okay." I said. "They are caught, I believe. Wait, how did you guys know where I was?"

"I got a message from an unknown number, apparently it was Hunter."

"Why would he do that?"

"He is confessing, I still haven't heard his side of the story, so I don't know." He sighed as he hugged me. I wrapped my arms on his waist.

"I missed you." He said. "You don't even know that, do you?"

"Why did you leave all of a sudden?" I asked as he pulled away.

"I don't want to hurt you anymore."

Just when I was about to say something, the door burst opened and Abby walked in, glaring at Elliot.

"You." She jabbed her finger on his chest. "I said, stay away from her." I have never seen Abby so furious before and it was both intimidating and strange at the same time. She is so bubbly and lively and hardly let her anger take over.

"I have my own reasons." Elliot explained. "I want to explain to Everly first."

Abby looked at me and then at him. "I am such a sh*t person, how are you doing Ever?" She came and hugged me tight. "You and I still have more things to discuss about." She glared at him and her glared turned towards me. "How dare you lock me inside the room?"

I give her an innocent smile while she huffed with annoyance.

"It's snowing." Cole came to the room in delight.

We all looked out at the window, although outside it was dark, we could see the snow falling due to the street lights.

"Wait, in few hours it will be Christmas?"

"Yes." Abby sighed. "I am so glad you are safe." She then burst into tears.

"We all are safe." I said. "Group hugs."

As they all gathered around me for a hug. Mom and Dad walked in and commented, that if anyone was hungry for foods.

The doctor said, I should stay over night just to make sure everything is good, Abby thinks that I was hit way too hard on the head, due to the fact that I am cracking more jokes and being much more talkative than before.

"It's just I realized how scary it was in that position." was the only explanation I could give at that time.

Elliot promised to explain everything to me later and I was ready to hear everything out. Mom and Dad went to buy something for us even though it was close to midnight and Elliot sent Abby and Cole outside, so he could talk to me.

He took my hand and whispered, "I know you have been patient enough with me and I was hesitant to answer your question, but I am ready to answer you."

"Why now? Why not before?"

"I was not ready yet, but now I am."

"Did this incident changed your mind?"

"No. I came back here just to explain my situation to you, so it have nothing to do with the incident, but I should have explained to you earlier. I regret it."

"Tell me about it."

"Bonnie." He started with hesitation. "She was my sister."

And I took a sharp breath when I heard the term he used, 'was'

"I know saying sorry won't take the pain and you must have heard numerous time that apology. You have been through so much, but you were strong and I am sure she is looking down at you and wishing you would lead a better and more happy life."

"You think so too?"

"She wouldn't want you to be miserable." I said as I took his hand and kissed it gently. "No more fights and no more smoking."

"I may have to look for another alternative."

"Maybe go for boxing, maybe play games or busy yourself with hobbies." I tried.

"If you can help me." He said with a sad smile.

"I was planning to." I said.

"Even after all the things that happened because of me?"

"Not all things happened because of you, stop blaming yourself." I promised.

"About your journal." He started.

"Thank you for the messages, I really appreciated the comment." I teased and sighed. "I used to hate that book, it reminded me of so many things, but I had to write it to keep me sane from going through all those thoughts in my mind. I pour my emotions into the book, so that I didn't have to think about it."

"I am sorry about that." He said.

"There is nothing to be sorry about, things happened and no matter how much we wished it was different. We couldn't have changed that, but we can hope better for the future."

He give me a look that I can't even point out as he pulled me close and looked me in the eyes.

"Can I be part of your better future?" He asked.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give this chapter a Vote and a share. Thank you so much for all the beautiful comments. I love you 5000.

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