Chapter 9

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"Are you shopping because fall is coming?" Elliot asked curiously.

"For my date, silly." Abby said.

Elliot looked surprise and said, "With who?"

"He goes to a different school." Abby said. "You won't know him."

"Who?" Elliot asked.

"Tyler Jones?" She said.

Elliot nodded his head, "Pretty nice, lad." He said and I chuckled.

"Are you approving him?"

"Sure?" He said, "I know him, met him at parties." He said stretching as I noticed his tattoos again.

"What does the tattoo of snowflake with a butterfly sitting on top of it means?" I asked and he frowned and glared at me. I realized I hit him close to his heart.

"That's none of your business, how do you even know I have that tattoo." He snapped.

"You took off your shirt, this morning." I pointed out and he glared at me again.

"What are you talking about?" Abby asked confused.

Elliot shake his head, still fuming. "I am going home."He snapped.

"Okay." I said and he looked at me once more before he walked away, still fuming.

"I think you made him upset." Abby said, making me feel more miserable.

"It was just a question." I said defending myself.

"I know." She said giving me a sympathetic look.

When I reached home, it was 8:45 pm, we ate lunch at the famous burger spot in Downtown.

Phillip was watching TV when I walked in and passed him the bags. "Brought some snacks." I said. I know he love this place and so do Barbara.

He grinned, "just in time for the game." And cheered, while I laughed and said I will go and take a shower and head to bed, Abby made me roam around the whole mall and now my feet is killing me.

I had the scare of my life when I saw Elliot sitting on my bed and flipping through one of my book, again!

"What the fudge!" I said in a hush voice and quickly shut the door behind me. "what are you doing here? You keep making yourself more comfortable over here than before." I said.

His long leg was stretched and he looked up at me and said, "I actually love this book." He said talking about 'Looking for Alaska'

"Then take it and read it at your house." I said.

"I feel comfortable reading here." He said. "Very quiet and comforting."

I rolled my eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"Like I said, I love this book and I decided to come over."

"Suit yourself." I said and took my things to head for the shower.

"Always." He said. He looked much more calm and more playful and I am not sure how to react, other than this way.

When I stepped out of my shower, he was still in that position and reading the book.

"Don't you have a much more comfortable and better bed than this at home ?"I asked.

"I sure do." He smiled. "But like I said, I like it here."

"Why don't you build the same design and use the same furnitures at home, you do have lots of money to do that."

"I should, but why should I waste time, money and energy when there is already one here."

"This is my room." I said, pointing out the fact.

"When did I say it is mine?" He said. "You are funny."

"You make yourself seem more at home than I do."

"Maybe I feel comfortable around you." He teased and fake laughed.

"Don't you feel comfortable around everyone else?"

"Not always." He said, looking thoughtful.

"When are you planning to go home?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes and looked up. "You are always chasing me out."

I rolled my eyes and sat on the bed, far away from him and took the book I purchased today.

"Why are you sitting for far, your butt is almost out of the bed, I don't bite." He winked and pulled me close to him.

"I am comfortable." I said surprised by his sudden pull. We sat beside each other as we read our books silently.

"I am going to bed." I said and put the book aside, "When are you going home?"

He got out from the bed and walked towards the window and when I thought he was going to go down the window and leave me alone, he turned around and give me a cheeky smile.

"Love, I am home." He said and walked back to bed and I give him an odd look.

"You are so dramatic." I said.

"I am playful." He corrected me. "You want me moody?"

I made a sour face, "playful is better."

He chuckled and he laid down on the bed, I created a space between us again, which I know won't be useful as he will be taking the majority of the space. I turned off the light and he suddenly said,

"I am sorry for snapping at you, this afternoon." I know his back was on the bed and he was looking at the ceiling as I turned to him.

"I am sorry for being curious."

He chuckled, "Ain't we all curious human beings?"

"I guess so, but I shouldn't be asking you these questions, we are not close."

He sighed, "We have many things to work on." He said.

"Like what?"

He did not answer and we fell into a silent, yet again.

"Are you asleep?" He asked me after sometime.

"No?" I said.

"Good." He said. "Let's go for a drive."

"We have school tomorrow." I said.

"Don't we always have something to do tomorrow?" He said, "Let's get your a*s out of the bed and go for a drive, we need the escape."

"Escape from what?" I asked.

"From reality." He said a he put on his shoes and head for the window.

"No" I said in a hushed voice, "I am not jumping from here, are you crazy?"

"I will catch you, I promise." He said as looked at me from below. I have no idea how he even climb or get down from the house.

"I will use the door." I said.

"And then burst me, sure love." He whispered back and I know he is rolling his eyes at me.

"Much better than breaking bones."

"I promise, I will catch you, Trust me."

I looked at the height and looked at him, should I be even trusting him? In school, he does things that makes me think thousands times before trusting him, but when it is just us, he shows his better side.

"Stop thinking." He said and that's when I decided to trust him, whether I break a bone or twist my neck, it's all will be his fault was opening his damn mouth for this crazy idea and my fault for trusting him.

I took a deep breath and jumped down from the second floor of the house.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give this chapter a Vote and a share. Thank you for your support!

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