Chapter 55

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"It's not time for the game, yet." I said.

"It seem like Elliot is not coming back, you think we are stupid. You will stay with us today until the game is over. If he is not here during the game, then you know what is coming for you.' Landon said. "Now walk to the car, b*tch." He pulled me by my arms and glared down at me. "You better hope he bring his a** for the game."  He threatened..

How will he come, when he have no idea about the game and he have moved miles away. I looked quickly to my room window and I saw Abby and sighed, At least she did what I asked her to do.

I sat in their Jeep after putting on my down jacket, Landon was driving while Hunter was playing with his phone.

"Where did the lover boy go?" Hunter tried to hold a conversation, but his eyes was focused on the phone.

I pretended I did not hear anything and just kept silent, they took me to an unfamiliar neighbourhood, different from the last time Elliot took me.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To the game arena." Hunter said.

"All the games are not held in the same place?"

"Since your lover boy is ignoring our calls and is not in town, we assume that we might as well change the location, so it will be hard for him to look for you." Landon said as he looked at the rear view mirror.

"How do you know he is not coming? What if he does? How will he know where the game is, if you change the place?"

"He knows the rules, he knows he have to pick up the call before the game day to confirm the time and location, but he ignored. I give him two chances and he ignored both." Landon shrugged. "Too bad, he does not give a sh*t about you." 

"I already told you from before, we were over."

"But you made the deal and once I make deal, I don't go back. The leader have to abide by the rules and the deals." He said.

"Sometime leaders have to bend and be flexible in rules for their people's happiness and needs, but you are the leader who climbed the stairs with your people's support and you keep looking up at your goals and you are not even looking down to help the other people climb up with you, you are climbing by yourself."

Hunter's hand froze in the middle of the typing like something clicked his mind.

"Shut up, you stuck up b*tch." Landon snapped and glared at me.

"You wanted the truth, so I was just filling in the truth."

"Wait until the match is over." Landon threatened.

I shrugged and sat back in the seat, I might as well have fun before the nightmare comes and haunt me in the form of Landon. The place was surprising in a much more better and cleaner space than the one I visited before. There were fancy and expensive cars parked, more lights and sounds coming from the place. Ironically, it seem like they want the world to know they are having fun while doing criminal acts.

Landon was rough as he pushed me in front of him and I was scared as soon as I stepped inside the place, it was dark and crowded. Landon made sure I stood near the ring as I watch one guy, getting ready to beat someone.

"This is our new guy, hunky right?" Landon sarcastically remarked.

"Good for you, then." I said.

He glared at me and I shrugged. He pulled me by my arm and squeezed my arm, tightly making me winced.

"Now you have to stand here and watch the brutal fight. I was going to spare you, but you ask for it." He said.

I was so done with his drama, honestly. I stood there as people greeted him and they curiously watched me beside him, none of them questioning about who I am.

As the clock ticked by slower in this place, the more crowded it was turning. When I saw a guy with mic, I knew then and there, that it was time for the game.

"Too bad your ex does not give a sh*t about you." Landon said, "You are pretty."

I ignored him as I watch the light turned off and the spotlight was on the battleground. The crowd cheered, while my senses was high in alert for any problem and solution to get out of here. Having Landon hovered around me, give me chills as I have no idea what was happening next to me.

It was brutal, honestly these guys are not fighting, they were planning to kill each other or wanted to kill the other to survive. Blood splatter around the ring and I panicked.

"Stop it." I pleaded Landon. I can't imagine what Elliot have been through or have been doing this to people. I can't watch it anymore. "They will kill each other!"

"They signed up for it." Landon said, shrugging.

"This is illegal fights with no safety and no rules." I said. "Stop."

While the crowd cheered for the two people who seemed ready to kill each other.

"This is what this game is all about, pretty girl." He said. "Why are you even worried when you don't know these people?"

"I am worried for humanity reason, this is brutal. It is fun for you, but it is their lives. They are not doing because they want to, but they are doing it to get what they need and you are using their needs for your want. That's the problem here."

Before he could respond, someone screamed, "Cops are here!!"

And next thing I know was Landon cussing and pulling me with him as I struggled to get out of his hold. It was chaotic with everyone pushing and then I felt a sharp pain as I was hit by my head and it was so painful, that darkness consumed me.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading, please give this chapter a Vote and share this book with other readers, we are so close to 70k reads! Thank you for supporting me and for all the beautiful comments <3 I try replying to all, if I missed yours, I am so sorry, but just so you know- I really appreciated all the beautiful comments <3

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