Chapter 25

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Elliot once again made me feel, that I was invisible. He had Brianna tugged closed to him on Monday morning. It was annoying to see, they should have went and partied and just slept in late, rather than showing up to school and making me feel miserable.

He hid his beautiful eyes from the world with his shade. He did not greet neither Abby nor I as we walked past them.

"Everly." Aiden called out from the hallway. He wore his signature sweater, which I haven't seen in a long time.

"Hey." I said. "Sorry about." I couldn't finish my sentence as he interrupted me.

"Don't worry about that." He smiled.

"If you two love bird is ready for the day, can we go to class?" Abby asked rolling her eyes at us.

I shake my head at her nickname for us. Aiden carried my books as we walked to our first class, even though I refused his generous move to carry my books.

"I was wondering if you are free this Wednesday to go out?" He asked and I didn't have the heart to refuse him.

"Sure." I said. "Where would you like to go?"

"How about a movie and dinner?"

"How about just the movie? I have an assignment due on Friday." I said.

"Sounds great." He said. "We can do our homework together and then dinner?"

"That sounds like a good idea." I agreed and he give me a smile.

Our day went smoothly, which was unexpected as all the popular groups of our school was on campus on a Monday!

Elliot was no where to be found and rumour was he left school with some girl. That dude and his weird habit. I promised myself to ignore him the next time he tries to be nice to me. It is so unhealthy for my heart.

Fall was almost coming to an end, faster than we all expected as news was breaking that the first snow fall will take place this weekend. Everyone was so excited about the snow fall, I have no idea why? It comes every year and people are still excited in the beginning, but once it hit they complain about the cold and the hassle the snows brings for them.

"I can't wait to wear my cute beanie." Abby said as we sat on the staircase for lunch.

"You bought another one?" I questioned her, Abby have a weird thing- she dresses herself weird during summer, but during winter she dresses the cute, with beanies and scarfs and boots; while during summer she finds whatever her eyes laid first in the morning, which can be horrible as she just woke up from sleep.

"You know my love for winter." She said as she chewed her sandwich.

"I can't wait for it to end, already."

"You are no fun." She said. "Snowfall is so romantic." She sighed.

"Sure." I said as I pulled out the chips from my lunch bag and opened it.

"Elliot is so weird these days." She said what was in her mind for a while and I was so surprise it took her so long to bring this topic.

"What do you mean?" I pretended I didn't know what is going on.

"Sometime he is extremely cold with us and sometime he is warm."

"He is Elliot Walker, he is the popular kid in school. We are just like any other non-popular kids who is always left behind."

"That sounded too harsh." She winced. "I thought he was a nice lad."

"Lad? Are you serious?" I asked her.

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