Chapter 47

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Never in my life has anyone asked me about my favourite things and honestly I never have any favourite spots,I have my comfort zone, that is the room that I have grown up in.

"I don't have one." I said.

He looked baffled, but then his eyes turned soft and he give me an understanding look. "It's okay if you don't have one now, you may have one later."

"Yea." was the only reply I could give him as I sipped my smoothie.

Cole slipped beside me, "Hey."

Elliot looked annoyed for a moment then sighed and said, "What are you doing here?"

"I can't come and say Hi?" He asked, innocently.

"How do you even know I am here?"

"I always have my way, just like you." Was the only answer he give to us. "Can I take a sip of your drink?" He asked looking at me, "I want to taste their smoothie."

"Why not go buy one?" Elliot muttered.

"If I don't like it, it will be a waste."

"Now you are considering savings?"

"Always, cousin." He said as he sip my drink and looked impressed. "Not bad."

"Of course it is not bad." Elliot muttered. "You should be glad that you are my cousin."

"I am always glad, that you are my cousin." Cole said, smiling.

"You two have a really good relationship." I said.

"Of course! We grew up together." Cole said.

"That's obvious." Elliot said, rolling his eyes.

"Tell me about how Elliot was as a child." I turned to look at Cole.

"You can always ask me, yourself." Elliot pointed out.

"He was what every adult adore and hate at the same time.. he always get himself into trouble and gets away by just acting innocent." Cole teased.

"I don't act innocent." Elliot pointed out. "If I did something, I take the consequences very well."

"Sure." Cole said, rolling his eyes. "You remember the time, when Bon-." Elliot's smiled died and Cole's sentence was cut off as he stayed silent for a few seconds. "I think I should go and order something."

"Yea." Elliot agreed with him.

"Who is Bon?"

He ignored my questioned. "Pass."

I was hurt by his answer. "Okay." I said, not wanting to push the subject.

When Cole came back, he tried to make things less uncomfortable, but he already hit the spot and it was too late for him to do anything.

Cole and I tried to not to say anything that will make Elliot burst out of anger. When I said tried, I really meant it. He did not laugh at any of our jokes, his mood for ice cream was long gone as his ice cream was now dripping like tears.

"Should we go home?" He asked as he started putting on his jacket.

"Yes, absolutely." I said, anything that made him felt comfortable.

"See you." Elliot said to Cole as he took my hand, his hand was cold and I squeezed his hand gently.

He was drowned in his own thoughts as he drove silently. I hated the silence and wished once again, that he would say anything. He dropped me home and give me a quick kiss and waited for me to leave the car. He stayed until he saw me enter the house and I wondered where he was going. I just hope he was planning to go to some random party like how he always do that, he always end up in a party and drunk. That night, he did not contact me, but I did and he never answered my calls.The next day was a disaster as he came to school drunk. He was called to the office and was suspended instead of expelled, which was a relieved.His eyes was bloodshot and angry, he was not happy seeing me in the office and trying to talk some sense to him. When his parents entered the office, he was more of the wild and angry boy, that I have never seen before. His parents carried themselves with power and grace, both looked quite young and beautiful at the same time. Their beauty is something, indescribable and wonderful and we all realized where Elliot got his beauty from.

'Just leave.' Elliot said to me, as he pushed me away once again and I tried to keep my calm and cool. I was hurt by his behaviour since last night, and this was not helping. He was suspended for the next three weeks, which means that he will be returning back to school after new year.

"You must be Everly." His mom said, giving me a sad look. "You visited our house last time, I am so sorry, that I was not there to meet you, I did't expect us to meet this way, I am Elliot's mom, you can call me Whitney."

Elliot's glare was enough to tell me that he was not happy, I don't know if he is unhappy by the fact that I was meeting his family. Maybe, he was planning not to introduce me to his mom or his family in the first place. My sadness deepens at that thought, as I tried as much as I could to smile.

"I will see you in a bit." Was the only good-bye I got from him and I felt stupid, thinking he would say anything more than that, just like that my hope was gone. It's been four days and Elliot did not contact me. Five days, since Cole's comment about someone called, "Bon" had triggered some emotional outburst in him and made him fall into deep silence. Cole said, Elliot is suppose to be grounded and I can easily figure out, he was lying. He was lying to make me feel better and make me feel , that Elliot was not ignoring me, but I know he was and that made me upset and mad at the same time about his behaviour. Weekend was something, that I was looking forward to, apart from my part-time work. As I waited for my shift to end- I see, Landon casually walking in and I hid behind the desk, too bad I was the only one in the front desk for help.

'Excuse me." He said as he knocked on the table and I sighed as I sat up to look at him with what I hope was a professional straight face look.

He seemed rather happy and satisfied when he saw me as he leaned on the desk.

"How may I help you?" I asked in a monotone voice.

"Very well, I have to return the books." He showed me the book.

I pointed to the sign and said, "It says over there, that you have to drop the books to the drop box over there." I pointed to the drop box sign.

"Perfect. Less work for me." He said as he walked towards the drop box as I sighed in relieve, I shouldn't have been too happy as he walked back to me and before he could have said something, Cole came to my rescue.

"Baby, I am here. I will wait near the entrance for you, your shift should be ending, right?" He said as he looked at his Apple Watch.

I was so surprised and relieved to see him there, he give me a wink, while Landon chuckled and shake his head, turned and walked out of the door.

'What are you doing here?" Was my question to him.

"Just so you know, you should be glad that I am such a nice person to come and check on you, on my Saturday!" He jokes.

"What an honour." I remarked, sarcastically.

He sighed, "I owed you one, anyway." I heard him whisper to himself and wondered what he meant by that.

Author's Note:  Hello readers, thank you so much for reading this book and for 30k reads. Your votes and reads are greatly appreciated. Please share this books with other readers and thank you once again for reading this book.

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