Chapter 28

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I expected to meet Elliot's family, but it seem like no one is at home. His butler, Mark greeted us and I greeted him, as warmly and nicely as I could, but I think it was awkward. Mark did not point out and Elliot just chuckled a little.

"We are going to go to the green house." Elliot said. "You can prepare snacks for Everly; she came here directly from school."

"Is there any allergies that we should know about?" Mark asked

"None that I know." I said to him.

"That's perfect. Please excuse me while I prepare some snacks." Mark said.

"Let's go." Elliot said as he took my hand as we walked to the end of the house, most probably to the backyard.

"Why are you still wearing shades in your house?" I asked him.

"Because I can." He sarcastically remarked.

"Where were you this morning?" I questioned again and he sighed and I looked at him in disbelief.

"You don't get to sigh after leaving me hanging like that." I pointed out.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked.

"You don't answer any of my questions, you tell me half of something and leave me like that."

I see him smile a little, "Does it annoy you?"

"Of course." I said and almost pouted, but instead I reached out for his shades, he was taller and stronger than me, but he allow me to and I gasped. There was a small bruise under his eyes and little scrape at the corner of his eyes.

"What the heck." I almost screamed as he rolled his beautiful green eyes at me. "Don't roll your eyes on me!" I said as I turn his head from right to left to see his bruise. He just stood there as he watched me curiously.

"Did you see a doctor yet? Do your family know about this?" I asked.

"If they know, do you think I will be standing here right now?" He chuckled.

"Did you apply anything on your bruise?"

"Now are you trying to a doctor?" He joke.

Now that flare my anger as I glared at him and he raised his hand in a defensive way.

"Do you have a first aid kit? There should be something for your bruise."

"It will heal." He said, nonchalantly.

When I glared at him one more time,he give him as he took me to some random place and pulled out a box from the cupboard and handed me the box.

"I did not bring you here for this." He muttered. I pulled him to the seat and made him sit as I prepared myself to disinfect the places with cuts. He winced and whined and I rolled my eyes.

"You don't whine when you do these, but you will whine when I disinfect." I said.

He grinned at me and I sighed. "Do Mark know about these?"

"Of course, he covers for me."

"He allows you to go for fights?" I said, pretty surprise.

"Does he have any choice?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

I pressed his cut a little.

"Ow." He winced.

"You deserved that." I said and put a small bandaid on the cuts. "So? May I know what is awaiting for me?"

He smiled brightly, his dimple clearly evident as he stood up and took out one hand and I give him a low-five to which he quickly intertwine it and pulled me up.

"You are going to help me take care of the green house that we have at the backyard. I spoke to Mr. J and apparently he said that it will take a lots of time to explain to the board why we should reopen the green house, so I thought why not in the mean time you can take care of my family's greenhouse."

My eyes widened at his words, "For real?" I said, confirming what I am hearing.

We walked out of the room and headed to the direction, which I suppose was the backyard. His backyard was very well kept, the grasses and shrubs was all neatly maintained.

I see from far-away the green house made with glass and I looked at it in awe.

"Ms, M. will be with be joining us very shortly. She will be helping you, whenever you need anything or questions about the greenhouse. You can say she is in charge of the greenhouse." He looked at me for some reaction.

"This is so cool!" I said to him. "I really appreciated it, but I wanted to ask if Abby."

Before I could complete my sentence he added, "Of course."

"Thank you so much, I am so sorry if it was troublesome."

"Not at all, you will be helping us and Ms.M will explain the other thing like you can consider it as your part time job?" He quickly added.


"I am not trying to be mean or saying you need money, but I mean we are students and we have to save up for college and I thought it will be a good idea- like you help us and we will pay you. I am sorry if it offended you, but I don't mean it in a bad way." He looked both stressed and embarrassed at the same time.

"I like that offer." I said. "I mean I will get paid to do what I love."

He give out a relieved sigh and said, "Thank you for understanding."

"No, thank you to you for taking your time and figuring out all of this. I really appreciated it."

He give me a small smile. A lady who seem a little older to us, walked in. She was dressed rather weirdly to me for someone who have to work in a green house. She was pretty tall, her blonde hair was tied in a high pony, while she wore a summer dress in this cold weather. Well, I should not judge her, people have their own comfort zone.

She give me a fake smile, which I doubt Elliot noticed as she give him a hug. Very professional might I add. She squealed and said, "How are you doing today?" And then gasped. "what happened to your face?"

I stood there awkwardly while Elliot coughed a little and said, "I am fine, thanks. Here, meet Everly." He said, putting me on spot with the woman, who seem to dislike me, without knowing me.

Seems like I will be having a lot of fun, here, I said to myself as I plaster the same fake smile that she was giving me.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please don't forget to Vote and share this book with other readers. Thank you to the reader (You know who you are ❤️) for the supportive comment. It made my day. Thank you to all my readers, for staying with me and bearing with me with my uploads, I really appreciated it. Hope you like the books and Happy reading!

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