Chapter 60

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Before I could answer him, Cole came in and whispered something in Elliot's ear as he nodded and looked at me.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yes. I will be right back.' Elliot said and kissed my forehead before leaving. There seemed to be some commotions right outside my room as some strangers walked in and behind was Elliot and my parents.

"Miss, can you spare us some of your time and tell us what exactly happened?" One woman asked as I see a pen and a note book in her hand.

"Ms, I don't think it is the right time to speak to her about this matter, she just woke up a while ago, we would suggest you to come tomorrow, but day after would be better." My mom said, trying to ease the situation.

"Don't she have to bring a lawyer with her for this case?" Cole asked.

"She can if she wants to, but we just want to know what had happened."

"And that will turn into statements from our side." My Dad said, "I would really like you to come back day after tomorrow.the doctor have still yet to see her head injury and you asking her to recall the horrific moment and also pressuring her to say something will go against someone."

With people backing me up,  it was hard for them to get any statement from me, so they said they will come back day after tomorrow to continue their investigation.

"Well, that was a bit dramatic." I tried to lighten the mood. "You all are so hyped up?"

"It's not funny." My Dad said, "We are worried about your health here."

I sighed, "I know. You all should home." I said looking at the clock. In ten more minutes it was going to be Christmas.

"You guys should go ahead and go home." My Dad said to everyone else. "We are here for Ever and we will inform you if there is anything new." While my mom nodded her head.

Abby was hesitant, but then she sighed and said, "In few more minutes it will be Christmas, I will stay until Midnight?" She said.

Elliot and Cole nodded their head, we all spoke a little more until it was one minute for Christmas and we all stood near the glass windows. There will be firework soon to celebrate Christmas. The street below us, was so beautiful. There were a lot of people on the street and was looking at the big screen across the hospital. The screen was count downing for Christmas. Elliot took my hand as the clock almost struck twelve, he whispered beside my ear, "I wish things were better and we didn't have to be here today, but I am so happy you are well." I looked at him and tightly held his hand.

"The firework will start in ten second." Abby said in excitement.

We started count downing and when the clock struck twelve, "I love you, baby." Elliot whispered beside me as everyone around us, started excitedly wishing each other and I froze. He have never said those words to me before. I could not even respond immediately as he smiled at me and before I could respond he said, "Tomorrow, spare me an hour, okay?" And I nodded my head as I hugged my parents and Abby and wished them.

"We can open present when you are discharge tomorrow morning." Mom said as she tried to make things better and I agreed with her.

All of them had no choice but to leave as my parents said so, Elliot was hesitant, but did not want to say anything that might make my parents upset, so before leaving. He wished me and said again, "I am still waiting for your answer, I will see you tomorrow." And gently kissed my hand.

"He is such a sweetheart." My mom sighed. "So cute."

Dad rolled his eyes and said, "If he hurts our Ever's heart, he can say bye to his b*alls."

Mom and I gasped at his words and soon chuckled as we all had a good hug. "I am so sorry about the trouble." I apologize.

"You don't have to apologize for something you didn't have control about, you are are and sound; that's what matter the most now." Mom said. "We can always have gatherings later, after a week or so, but please take of yourself now."

I nodded my head.

The next morning the doctor came to visit to share some precaution and spoke about what needed to be done if there is sign of symptoms for head injury later. I wanted to go home and exchange gifts already.

Elliot intertwine our hand together as we walked towards the car. Mom and Dad was in front of us and was excitedly sharing what they should wear or take to Cole's place tonight. Cole all of a sudden said, there is a get together at his place tonight and since none of us had any plans, we all agreed. Abby and Cole was going to meet us at my place to exchange gift. Elliot seemed silent today, he did not speak much except to answer some questions here and there.

"Are you okay?" I asked him and he just nodded his head.

What could have happened that he is so silent now?

When we reached home, Cole and Abby was already inside the place. They were both preparing some brunch and decorated the place a little.

"Welcome home." Abby squealed and Cole grinned beside her. The Christmas tree was lit and shining and I see there were more gifts than before under the trees. Apparently Elliot asked to deliver all kind of foods and desserts for the brunch. There were way too many things laid out.

"Time to party?" Cole asked.

"I believe so?" I said looking at Elliot, who just give me a tight smile.

Author's Note: Just few more to go 😭 please give this chapter a Vote and share this book with other readers. The new book is out and it is called, "Falling for Riley Adams." Add that book to your reading list, thank you for your support ❤️

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