Chapter 40

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Elliot was stubborn as he decided to stay over at my place, he even had his clothes and toiletries delivered to my place.

He took a quick shower and stepped out in his sweatpants. He was drying his hair with the towel, his abs making him look ten more times hotter.

"Am I not drool worthy?" He questioned.

"How can you even have tattoos? Isn't it illegal for your age?"

"When I went to London after coming here, I got some. I know someone who do tattoos for anyone if you have the money."

"How you got into school is questionable."

"That's why I have to cover it most of the time, it was a rule before I got accepted."

He stood in front of me, leaned down and smiled as his eyes moved from my eyes to my lip, "You're irresistible." As his thumb brushed my lip gently.

My lip tingled from his touch as I looked at him, "Don't give me that look, I want our kiss to be meaningful and special." He said as he quickly kiss my cheek and stood up straight and I huffed in annoyance.

"Then why did you pretend you were about to."

He sat down beside me and said, "Don't be mad, it is taking up a lot of my self-control to not kiss you, right now."

"Fine." I muttered, "we are not in a hurry, anyway."

He laughed, "right."

"Do your tattoos have any meaning or are they just random?" I asked as I looked at his half naked body.

He stayed silent. He doesn't have many tattoos that fills his whole torso, it is countable in fingers, but it is still many for me.

"I like this one." I pointed to the one I have previously mentioned and he seemed upset about it, when I spoke about the tattoo of a butterfly sitting on top of the snowflake.

He snorted, "of all the tattoos, you like this one?"

"Yes, butterfly and snow is beautiful except snow at times is a hazard."

"I hate snow." He said, which surprised me.

"Then why do you have that tattoo for?"

He seemed hesitant to answer and I did not want to pressure him, "It's okay, when you are more comfortable and ready to answer then you can let me know." I offered, which he seemed to be relieve about.

We were on my bed, reading books, his arms around me as he read the book that I wanted to read, I was in a very comfortable position. His voice was angelic and soothing to listen to story.

"What are you planning to study in college?"

"I haven't thought much about that." He answered. "What about you?"

"Botany maybe?" I said.

He did not seem surprise and nodded his head.

"I am surprise you have no plans yet."

He just shrugged in response and kissed my head , "Goodnight, baby."

"Night, Elliot." I said as he quickly moved to put the books away and turn off the light. The next morning, we both got ready for school. It was both exciting and scary as today is our first day of going to school as a couple and I wonder how Elliot is going to be? Will he ignore me? Will he stay by my side? His mood was fine in the morning, he was affectionate and sweet. We ate breakfast together and made sure I was warm enough to step out of the house. His car was already warm when we entered and he said, that he made sure he turned on the heater, so that it wouldn't be cold when I am in, he was afraid I will catch a cold. My heart was warm by his sweet gesture.

He wanted to hold my hand as he drove with the other, but I complain that we might get into an accident, so he had no choice but to drive with both hands. When we reached school and he parked in his usual spot. He said to me, "You are my girl now, anyone say anything to you, you let me know."

I nodded my head, being his girl is something I would have never imagined in my entire life, he was a beautiful vase, that is so delicate that I am scared I will break if I don't handle with care. He doesn't show he is scared or lonely, but deep down I know he needed someone with him.

He opened the door for me as I took a deep breath. He offered me his hand and I thought, in order to have his trust. I needed to show him support and care and the best way is to make him feel safe and secure in the relationship.

I see eyes and whispers as we walk from the parking lot to my locker. He waited patiently for me as I pack and unpack things. We went to his locker next and I was not surprised by how neat his locker is. It was very well organized and well kept than mine.

He give my hand a gentle kiss and said, "I will drop you off to class and see you during lunch break?"


"We don't have to sit in the cafeteria, we can go somewhere else for lunch."

"Do you want to sit in the cafeteria?" I asked.

"No, then I won be able to spend time with you alone."

"You need to have your social life." I said. "Your friends will think I took you away."

"Not like I have much social life, anyway. They are there just to keep themselves busy and I am there just for the sake of being there."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." And give me a quick kiss on my cheek as we stood outside my first class.

"Any trouble, contact me." He said and before taking my phone from my hand.

I see him, search for his name in my phone and see him edit his name, from "Elliot W." to "baby"

"I kept your name as "Ever baby" on my phone." He said, proudly as I smile at him. "See you soon, baby" he called out as he walked away.

I can't wait for dramas to begin soon, Note the sarcasm.

Author's Note: Thank you beautiful readers for 10k reads! Your support has been incredible, please give this chapter a Vote and share this book with other readers. Thank you so much for reading this book ❤️

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