Chapter 22

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Bonus Updates: Thank you for 1k reads! I know, it's been a while and the bonus was suppose to take place before- but thank you for understanding and for your support ❤️


Phillip was not yet home when we reached my place.

"You have a pretty home." Aiden, complimented and I give him an 'awkward' thank you. Barbara, keep the house well decorated and clean all the time.

I excused myself to go upstairs to change into a comfortable onesie and came down. My nose more stuffy and runny compared to this morning.

Abby and Aiden was in the kitchen, already preparing dinner. Aiden looked relaxed in the kitchen and moved swiftly and he was quick with knife.

"You like cooking?" I asked him.

"I love it." He said. "I like baking too."

"That's wonderful." I said, so surprised about this little secret of his.

Abby said it smells delicious and I wish I could say the same, but my nose was too stuffy to allow me to smell the delicious foods. He made soup and pot pies and it looks beautiful. I wrapped the blanket around me as I sat at the counter, while Aiden stood and lean on the counter and Abby was busy texting, most probably to Tyler. Phillip came home and was surprised to see all of us, gathered in the kitchen.

"Oh, didn't know you guys were in here." He said. "Smells delicious."

"Hello, Mr. Gray." Aiden, greeted him and I thought Phillip will correct him of the last name, but he did not.

"Just call me Phillip." He casually said and looked at me. "You look pale, Ever." And frowned.

"A little unwell today." I said to him as he moved quickly towards me to touch my forehead.

"You have fever, young girl. I told you to dress warmly." He started.

"I know, dad." I said to him, "I am sorry. I will keep in mind."

"You better do, Did you take any medicine for it?"

"I am fine." I said to him and changed the topic. "Aiden cooked some delicious foods for us."

Aiden stood proudly and smiled, "I hope you all will like it, I am not really good at it; but I tried."

"I will just take a shower and come down to join you, kids." And looked me again.

"I am fine, I took my medicines."

And he sighed and he said, "I will let your mom know about this."

"No." I said. "She will give me an earful."

"Then you should have listened to me when I said to dress warmly, winter is approaching soon."

"I will take care of her." Aiden interrupted and Phillip looked at Aiden, surprised and clear his throat.

"I will see you all, soon." And walked upstairs. I thought Abby will teased Aiden, but she looked happy. Guys who can cook delicious foods, definitely makes her happy. She was standing near the oven and looking every now and then at the pot pie.

"I can't wait to eat you." I heard her mutter to the pot pie.

"You sound creepy." I tell her and she give me a creepy smile in return.

Aiden came and stood beside me, "How is school?"

"Same old?" I said.

"You have any trouble in any of your classes?"

"Not yet." I said as the door bell rang.

"Who is it?" Abby asked.

"I don't know." I said as I turned towards the door.

"I will go and check." Aiden said as he moved towards the door. He opened the door and we see Elliot raising an eye brow at Aiden and scowled at him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I walked towards him.

"Hello there." Elliot said too sarcastically, that I wanted to roll my eyes at him. "Did you miss me?"

"What are you doing here?" Abby asked this time, she did not seem to like that he was here; which means he is in the thin line of her bad side.

Elliot walked in, looking at me. "I heard you are unwell." And he sounded worried and sincere.

"And?" I asked.

"I came to see if you were fine."

"I am." I said. "Thank you?"

And the oven beeped right on time. "Pot pie is ready." Aiden said, clearly not happy with our new company.

"Did you cook?" Elliot asked Aiden.

"Yea." He answered as he walked to switch off the oven and let the pot pie rest for sometime in the oven.

Elliot stepped towards me and Abby stepped in between us, stopping him. She looked irritated.

"What are you trying to do? You pretended not to know us throughout the whole week and now you are back here?"

"I am not here for you." Elliot give her a look.

"She is my best friend." Abby said.

"She doesn't have a problem, what's to you?"

"How are you sure, that I don't have a problem?" I asked him and there was a silent.

Aiden was feeling the most awkward as he looked between us.

Elliot and I stared at each other, until he give up and said, "Fine. Let's keep it that way." And he walked towards the door. He give Aiden one last glance, before opening the door.

"Did I miss anything?" Phillip came down and asked us, as he must have realized the awkward silence between us.

"We are all good." Aiden started and I nodded my head.

"All good." I said and looked at the door and wished he wouldn't have left, so soon. Maybe, it was my fault and I should have listened to what he wanted to say.

Aiden's foods must have been delicious because Phillip approved it and kept complimenting his cooking and Phillip is a very picky eater and having his approval in regards to cooking is like a reward. Too bad, my bud tastes is down and I cannot taste anything and say anything about his cooking.

Phillip and Aiden bond over fishing and camping and I think Phillip likes him. Aiden is someone who you can be dependent on, he is smart and gentle and so different from Elliot and I wanted to scold myself for even comparing them. They are both different in their own ways. Phillip and Abby helped to do the dishes after they made sure Aiden was away from the place. Aiden said, he wanted to do the dishes as he believe, that cleaning is also part of a chef's work.

"You can rest with Ever." Phillip, reassured him and Aiden looked unsure and then finally give into him.

"Once you are well, would you like to go out with me?" He asked and my eyes widened at his question.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give it a Vote and a share. Your support means a lot to me. Read my other books if you haven't. Thank you for your wait and support ❤️

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