Chapter 19

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The lunch room was half empty like usual, this is the only day, that the other social group come together and sit in the cafeteria room rather than the library or anywhere around the school.

"This is how fun it is on Mondays." Elliot said, pretty amused.

"Always." I said to him.

"But once your social group learn about you coming to school on Monday, I don't think we will have this day again." Abby said.

"Don't worry, they will keep holding parties." He assured us and I simply shrugged.

"Everly." I heard someone called my name. It was the shy- smart guy from my Math class, Aiden.

"Hello." I waved at him and he blushed. He for sure is cute with his big glasses on his small face, his ginger hair brushed back neatly.

"Did you finish your math's homework?" He asked.

"Almost." I added.

"Do you need help?" He asked, very well aware of Elliot's glare and Abby's grin.

"Sure." I said, Aiden and I get along pretty well in our Math class, he is the only person in my that class, who keep me updated of everything and even help me with my work. He is way too nice for the world.

"Library after school?" He asked.

"Definitely." I said and he waved goodbye to us and turned and quickly walked away.

"Who is that?" Elliot said, casually, but his face said otherwise.

"Aiden." I simply replied. "How is London like?"

"Why are you changing the topic?" He frowned.

"I am just curious, look at your bag." I said pointing to his small London flag pinned on his bag pack.

"London is like any place, my home." He said, sighing. "It's beautiful there."

"Beautiful than here?"

"Like I said, it is my home and there will be no place better than home."

"Cannot disagree with that." Abby nodded her head, agreeing to him.

"Why are you here, then?"

"Family decision." He said, coughing and clearing his throat.

"Did you go back this summer?" I asked.

"Now, you are way too curious about my life?" He asked.

"You are way too curious about mine too." I added.

"Okay, here is a deal then,for every answer I give, I get to ask you questions about your life. Fair enough?"

"Let's just keep it simple, you don't ask me about my life and I won't ask about yours." I said and we both had a mini staring contest.

"Why?" He asked, breaking the silent. "Are you scared?"

And then the bell rang, signalling lunch is over.

"See you later." I tell him.

"Are you scared?" He called out. "I will see you later."

"He is so embarrassing." I said, pulling Abby close to me.

"And you my friend, doesn't understand that this is normal. Friends call out from across the room."

When school was over, I was so glad, until I remembered my appointment with Aiden. He was waiting outside the library and give me a smile.

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