Chapter 4

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"Are you serious?" Elliot asked. "You want me to help in planting and ruin my outfit?"

"It's not like we are forcing you.This is what we like doing in our free time."

He shake his head in disapproval manners. "You are pretty weird."

"Thanks." I said awkwardly, tell me something new.

"I didn't mean it in a rude way." He said scratching his head awkwardly.

"Since when do you care about other's feelings?" I asked and his face burnt with embarrassment as he stammered to explained.

"Are you in?" Abby asked.

"Sure?" He said.

"Don't force yourself." I said to him. "You don't like it, just leave."

"I for sure want to know what fun you get from planting." He said as he give me a grinned.

"Sure." I said and handed him the tools.

I knew Elliot is pretty smart, not only does he always score an A+ in his classes, but he is athletic and handsome too. Now, that seem unfair to some, but that's how the world is. Unfair.

He was quick to understand instruction and was able to plant some seeds for Abby and I.

It was lunch time in school and we for sure had fun. He is not that bad, he knows how to have fun and of course knows how to make us laugh. Charming, that's how he breaks people's heart.

"You have a little mud on your face." I handed him the wipe and he struggled to wipe. I shake my head and wiped it for him.

"Thanks." He said.

"Let's go back, I am so hungry." Abby whined.

"Right, since you had fun and so did we. Let's keep it a one time thing." I said to Elliot and both Abby and him frowned.

"Why?" Both asked in unison and I give them a 'Are you being serious now?' look.

"We are of course not from the popular group." I said to Elliot. "Your crowd don't mix with ours and we don't mix with yours, they make fun of us."

Abby nodded her head in understanding and she looked disappointed, but that is the truth.

"No one will dare to make fun of you two." He promised.

"We both are not games, Elliot." I said. "We all have feelings, don't give us hope when you can't keep your promises."

His fist tightened and he scowled at me. "You don't know me." He snapped.

"That's right, I don't know you and Abby here doesn't know you too, so let's keep it that way."

It feels like he wanted to say something, but kept shut and took his bag and left us behind, just like how it was suppose to be.

"But he was fun." Abby tried and I shake my head.

"Not going to work." I said and looked at him fading away from my sight. "He would have left us anyway."

When we went to the cafeteria to purchase some foods, we saw him moody, Brianna trying to climb and sit on his lap, but he told her off. He made eye contact with us and pretended that he didn't see us. We purchased our foods and went back to our favourite spot, under the trees.

"I will go back to the office once the school is off." I said to Abby. "You think someone would have drop it there, now?"

"I really don't know, Ever." She sighed. "I know, that journal means a lot to you and I hope someone did drop it there."

As I munch on the fries and looked at the sun, I wonder if Elliot had fun today. My eyes widened realizing what I was thinking and quickly shake my head. Abby give me a weird look and I smiled at her.

Something surprised me the most was that Elliot came to class today, he usually does not show up to most classes and surprise fact, we were in few classes before , yet he didn't know Abby and I existed until today?

He walked straight to the back of the class and few students went to speak with him. He looked less moody and was actually having a conversation with his fellow group members until the teacher walked in.

Class was boring and I felt like someone was looking at me and looked around the class seeing Elliot, who did not even bother to look away after I caught him looking at me.

I turned back to face the front and pretended that he was looking somewhere else, but it is hard when you get the feelings. I was so glad when the class ended and I ran for the door. He could have made things easier for us by pretending, or for me at least that we don't know each other, but he decided to call me out in the busy hallway. I stopped and so did everyone else and I quickly turned to look at him. He made eye contact with me and in his bossy tone he said,

"She is all mine. Five feet apart from her,anyone touch her or even speak sh*t about her, you can say goodbye to your perfect High School life."

Students who was near me, stepped exactly five feet away from me after his sentence ended and started whispering. Elliot Walker, walked in all majestic towards me and whispered in my ear,

"I am driving you home, I will be waiting in the parking lot." And he stood up straight and turned around and walked away from me, leaving me in this mess and look from the whole school.

Elliot Walker, never do things like these. He never declare anyone is his, nor threatened the school about staying away from certain people, so everyone started buzzing,that maybe I was his prey and this is all a game. I believed in the rumours because I have seen with my own eyes, how he make girls fall in love with him and then boom! in front of the whole school he tells them it was a game, all a hunt and a chase game.

I promised myself, that I won't fall for him and reminded myself of the much trouble I can avoid by simply ignoring him, but is it possible to avoid him when he make it seem like he own the school?

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give this chapter a Vote and a share. Thank you so much.

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