{Chapter Twenty-One}

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I groaned as I woke up, my head throbbing.

I sighed as I slowly opened my eyes and was surprised to see it wasn't my hotel room.

I then felt something warm next to me and was surprised with whose face I saw.


I then realized he only had a bedsheet over him and looked down, seeing I was naked, too.


I pulled the sheet closer to my body, covering my breasts, which I realized had cocaine residue on them, and sighed as I remembered last night.

Razzle and I left the club and headed to a bar a few blocks away, where he was comforting me about ending things with Nikki and drinking the night away, and afterwards took a cab to his hotel, where we had some gear and then it all just blurred.

I rolled over and looked at Raz's sleeping face.

He looked... peaceful... and actually pretty cute now that I looked closely...

Razz is really nice and a great guy, and it was so sweet of him to help me feel better, and I'm glad he was there when I really needed someone.

The phone suddenly rang and I jumped, and he snorted himself awake as I sat up and looked around the room, him doing the same, then seeing me.

"Fucking hell..." he said, looking around in surprise.

"I-Its okay.... Uhh, you should probably get that," I said.

He nodded and forced himself out of bed, also naked, and went to the phone, answering it.

"Yeah?..... Hey, yeah, she's here...." he said, looking at me as I got up, pulling my panties on, then looking for my bra.

"One second," he said, and looked at me. "Its Doc, wanted to know if you were here and if you're okay."

"Yeah, I'm okay," I assured, looking around.

He nodded and spoke to him. "She's alright..... Hilton, mate.... Right... Got it, see you then."

He hung up and I pursed my lips as the awkward air came back.

"Well....." I said.

"Sorry, love... I guess we got carried away last night," He said, rubbing the back of his neck before spotting his boxers and grabbing it.

"No, no, Razz, its fine, really," I assured, finding my bra and pulling it on. "If anything, last night helped me get my mind off of.... Well, you know..."

He frowned after pulling his boxers on. "Nikki really hurt you, didn't he, love?"

I sighed. "I don't even know why I'm stressing so much about this... I mean, its not like he's even my first heartbreak anyway, let alone the worst one," I sighed, sitting on the bed.

He walked over and sat next to me, his arm around me.

"You know, you deserve better than that, Mallie," he said. "Breaking your heart like that, that's just something nobody should ever do to a girl like you."

I sniffled, holding back my tears.

"Sorry, umm... This must suck, I mean, the girl you just slept with crying about her messed up relationship," I sighed.

"Come on now, I'm not upset about any of that," he said. "Its good to talk about it."

I sighed as he let me lean against him as he rubbed my back.

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