{Chapter Seventy-Three}

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⚠Warning: Mentions of loss of life and trauma⚠️



Nikki and I enjoyed the rest of our honeymoon for that week, and soon we were back home in Los Angeles. That was a little over a month ago.

Unfortunately, like Tommy and Heather did, we had come back to a disaster of our own version.

Mick and Emi are now in the midst of a divorce and she had kicked him out of his own home while we were gone, and somehow she's most likely going to end up with almost everything of his, including almost all of his money.

On top of that, he had collapsed because of his AS three days after we had started our honeymoon. Doctors said he was going to be okay, but he was on strict bed rest for a while and raised the dosage of his medication. Thankfully he's better now, but I still have him taking things easy since it was still a bad fall.

He had been staying with Vince and Sharise until we got back that me and Nikki insisted to have him staying with us until we helped him find a new place.

It took some arguing and stubbornness, but Mick eventually caved.

Nobody told us until we came back so we wouldn't be worried. According to Tommy, Mick didn't want them to say anything at all, but Tommy convinced him to say something at least once we were home.

I climbed up the stairs with the tray of food and the bag of prescription drugs Nikki just picked up.

Jack scampered closely behind me as I arrived to the guest room, softly knocking on the door.

"Come in!" he shouted, and I walked in, seeing he was in bed watching TV, lazily strumming some chords on his guitar.

"Hey... I got you lunch, and Nikki picked up your prescription for you," I said

He groaned softly and sat up as I helped him get comfortable as he moved the guitar aside, then looked at me.

"Thank you... You know, you really didn't have to do this for me," he said.

I furrowed my brows. "You kidding? How could I ever turn my back on the man who had taken me in without a second thought and took care of me when I was hitting rock bottom my own way?" I said.

He looked over.

"Like it or not, you're my family, hell my father," I said, smiling. "I'm not leaving you behind even if it kills me."

He scoffed a grin and looked away.

"Hell.... Alright.... But quit trying to soften me up, you hear me?" he said sternly, pointing a finger at me and making me laugh.

Jack then hopped up and happily greeted Mick.

"Ah! Hey!" Mick snapped as Jack stood up and licked Mick's face, Mick trying to get him off.

I giggled and put the food on the table before rescuing Mick and picking Jack up in my arms.

"Ugh," Mick scoffed as he wiped the slobber off his face.

"Looks like Jack likes your soft spots," I smiled with a giggle.

"And it looks like Jack needs a mint or something," he said, reaching for a towel nearby and wiping . "You know, I swear I took you for a cat person."

I shrugged as I set Jack down. "Honestly, I don't exactly had a preference. I don't think I ever really did..... We did once have a koi pond in my home in Arizona when I was little, so, I guess I'm more of a fish person."

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