{Chapter Four}

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"Here you are, Mick," I said, serving him breakfast, along with his meds, all the plates balanced on my arm.

Force of habit.

"Thank you, Mallory," he sighed with relief. "You know, maybe a former waitress living around here ain't half bad."

I laughed as I patted his back gently.

I then started to smell something burning from the living room and sighed.

"Tommy! I thought I told you to stop burning the fucking carpet to kill roaches five times already!" I snapped, the drums stopping.

"But it works!" he argued as I walked out the kitchen.

"You can also use a shoe or bug spray, or something that doesn't ruin the floor," I scolded.

He just groaned, rolling his eyes as I gave him his breakfast, which he ate off his drum kit as usual, this time however pouting.

I then went and served Nikki's.

"Thanks, Mal," he said as he went to eat while watching TV.

I then got my plate, sitting next to him as we watched television.

Vince had called Tommy yesterday, decided to give the band a chance. So today he was coming by at noon for band practice and if he does well, discuss what Nikki has planned for the band.

Soon after breakfast, showering and getting dressed, the guys all started to get everything ready while I cleaned the kitchen up a bit, then heard a car pull up outside as I finished.

Nikki looked out the window through the blinds.

"Tommy, your boy's here!" Nikki called out.

I walked over next to Nikki and peered out the window with him, Mick also joining as we watched the familiar singer climb out the passenger seat of the red car, and a blonde girl climb out the driver's seat.

"Who's the chick?" Nikki asked.

"Which one?" Mick asked, making me hold my laugh back as Tommy joined us.

Soon they got to our door and Nikki let them in.

"Hey," Nikki greeted as the girl walked in, passing him.

"Hi," I said politely to her.

She just scoffed quietly with an eyeroll and walked past me.

Okay then...

"Looks like you got a friend now," Mick whispered to me as we watched her.

"Joy," I whispered back sarcastically as the singer followed inside, Nikki greeting him.

"Hey man. Nikki," he said as they shook hands.

"What's up, man? I'm Vince," the singer said as they shook hands, then coming in.

"Hey! What's up, Vince?!" Tommy hollered excitedly.

"Alright!!" Vince shouted along with him and they high fived each other as they shared their excitement.

"This is Mick Mars," Nikki introduced, Mick nodding at him.

"What's up, man?" Vince greeted as Nikki then pointed to me.

"And Mallory, she lives with us but has helped out a lot," Nikki said.

"Also go by Mal or MJ, whichever you want," I smiled as we shook hands.

"Cool," he smiled at me.

"Vince, you listened to the tape?" Nikki asked.

"Yeah," Vince nodded as I walked over to the couch, noticing the girl looking at everyone of us weirdly.

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