{Chapter Sixxty-Eight}

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⚠️Warning: Mentions of [past] drug overdoses, trauma and death. If affected, read with caution.⚠️ 



"Aah!" I gasped as Nikki drew back his hand with the pad.

"Sorry, i'm sorry," He said quickly and I sighed.

"Its okay," I said, my hand on his knee as I held my face.

A few days, almost a week, passed since the incident and thankfully I feel well enough to even work.

Nikki isn't so sure I should go back yet, but I can't exactly keep missing days, and he knows this, too. 

Thankfully the swelling on my face and lip had gone down completely, but I still had a vicious black and purple bruise across my face, and i was still dealing with the subconjunctival hemorrhage (the bleeding in my eye).

Nikki and Heather managed to help me cover the bruise with make up, but its still pretty bad, and the hemorrage is still really noticeable.

On top of that, its still hurting and really sore, mostly when touched. I'm scared of it all not healing completely on time for the wedding, even if there's only 3 months left.

Word got out of what my mother did, though, and even though I wish it didn't get out, its honestly better than people jumping to conclusions and thinking Nikki hit me or something.

We managed to also get a restraining order against her, and with the additional charges, she's most likely even looking at some jail time.

However, just in case of anything, I've also asked Doug to hire some security for our wedding. Nothing but our guests and the people who are hired to help prepare it (catering, a few photographers, florists, the planner, seating, etc.) should enter. He's making a list already.

"God.... You know, my mother was terrible, too, but at least she occasionally on her good days pretended to like me," he said. "Your mother, though.... If she was going to be this way with kids, why even have them?"

"Baby, can... Can we not talk about her, please?" I sighed. "Anything else, just... Just not her..."

He nodded. "Right... Sorry...."

"Be honest... How bad is it?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Truth? Well.... Okay, look at it this way... The Bullwinkle laid a heavier punch," he bargained. "Remember that?"

I couldn't help but chuckle and shake my head. I know he was only trying to cheer me up, and it actually means a lot.

"There we go, there's that smile I love," he chuckled with a sweet smile.

"There we go, there's that smile I love," he chuckled with a sweet smile

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I chuckled softly. "Thanks, babe..."

"Anything for you," he smiled softly. "How's your hand feeling?"

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