{Chapter Fourty-One}

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I groaned as I woke up the next morning and saw MJ still asleep, looking exhausted.

I frowned and sighed as I carefully leaned down and kiss the top of her head before relaxing in bed again, just watching her.

That's when I saw the finger shaped bruises on her shoulders, arms and even throat, already turning purple, and my eyes widen before I felt my blood boil, realizing just what happened before I showed up last night.

She doesn't deserve this kind of shit in her life... She cared about Nikki, despite everything, and yet this is how he repays her? Cheating on her, blaming her for being scared, now this?

To top it off, leading her to point a fucking gun to her own head and almost pulling the trigger... God, I don't think I could ever get that image out of my head... I don't even want to think of what would have happened if I didn't walk in on time....

However... Last night wasn't meant to happen.... I guess in a way, it was heat of the moment.... We were both scared, we were both hurting one way or another, we just wanted to forget about everything even if it was just for one night....

Yeah, MJ and I were in a few orgies back then, but it was different. We had Nikki and Sharise and we were at parties and stuff, things were better.... But this.... This is a whole different situation....

Nobody has to ever know what happened here last night.... Nobody can know...

Mallory is my best friend. I love her, but just as that, my best friend. Hell, I'm lucky to even have her as a friend at all when its partially my fault her life took a turn for the worst. I don't deserve her forgiveness, yet she's given it to me.

I continued watching MJ sleep before she suddenly started to shift, soft whimpers escaping her lips as she fidgeted.

Fuck... She's having a nightmare...

I quietly sat up and shook her gently.

"MJ... Hey... MJ, wake up," I said.

The whimpers turned into cries and I shook her just a little bit harder.

"MJ, wake up, wake up, come on," I urgently said before her eyes shot open and she suddenly cried out as she sat up, but I held her.

"Hey hey hey hey hey hey, shhhh," I said as she stopped and looked around then at me, catching her breath. "Its okay, its me... You were having a bad dream..."

She sighed and relaxed a little as I pulled her into a hug, rubbing her back.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked her once she had calmed down.

She took a deep breath as she rubbed her temples. "I-I don't know..." I said.

I gulped as she relaxed a bit, and I pull her back a little to examine the bruises on her shoulders as she pulled the sheets to her chest.

"MJ... Tell me exactly what happened last night," I asked. "What happened before you called me?"

She was quiet as her eyes got watery, but she held back the tears and sighed.

"Tommy asked me to check on Nikki, make sure he was gonna be fine for the wedding, drop off the suit and everything... I went, and Nikki, it... I-It was like he was a completely different person...." She said in a shakey tone. "H-He even held that gun up to my head...."

My eyes widen in horror at her words.

"We got into a fight, i-it almost got physical, and... I left him... I left alone," she whimpered. "A-After I promised t-that I wouldn't..."

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