1. Catching up with family

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Betty's POV

It was a Saturday morning. I was cooking breakfast for everyone. They were all asleep still, even Jug. I had made blueberry waffles with eggs and bacon on the side. It was a special breakfast because Jug and I are graduating college tomorrow. I made all the plates and went upstairs to wake Jug up.

"Juggie, wake up." I say and kiss his cheek. He shakes his head and falls back asleep. "I made breakfast." I say and he jumps up. I giggle and he looks at me. "What?" He questions. "It works every time." I say and kiss him on the lips. He gets dressed, as I was already dressed and ready for the day. "Let's go wake the girls up." He says as we go out of our room. We walk into Lili's room to find Serenity and Lea at the end of the bed cuddled up in Lili's legs while Juliet was right next to her cuddled into her arms. I took a couple photos and shook Lili slightly. "Hey Lili, it's time for breakfast." I say. She sat up and smiled. "Just like her dad." I mumbled. Jug picked up all three girls and blew raspberries on their tummies. They giggled and tried to get away from him. "Daddy stop it." Julie says giggling. Serenity and Lea couldn't talk since they were giggling so much. "Let's eat before the food gets cold." I say and pick up Serenity. Jug picks up Lea and Juliet. We walk downstairs and put the triplets in their high chairs. Lili sat in between Jug and I. I kissed her hair and so did Jug. "Are you ready to go to 2nd grade Lili bear?" Jug asks. She shakes her head. "I don't have any friends." She says. "Well I have great news, Kayla and Josh are goin to Riverdale Elementary too. They are going to 2nd grade." I say to her. Kayla and Josh are Toni and Cheryl's adopted kids. They are twins and the same age as Lili. "Mommy, do we get to go to preschool with Lucy and Toby?" Lea asks me. "That would be awesome!" Serenity says. Juliet just kept eating her food. She is really shy and doesn't talk that much. Lucy is Veronica and Archie's daughter. She is almost three. Toby is Fangs and Kevin's adopted son. He's almost four. "I'm pretty sure they will be there baby." I say and get up. I take there plates and my plate since they were done eating and put them in the sink. I kiss each of their foreheads and sit back down. Jug gets up and grabs Lili's plate as they were both done eating and puts then in the sink. "Okay you three, it's my turn to get you ready today." I say pointing at the triplets. They giggle and put their arms up to get out of the high chair they were in. I picked them up one by one and sat them down. "Jug help Lili find an outfit." I say pointing at him. "Okay bossy pants." He says laughing. I glare at him and give him a look like 'You better shut your mouth' we went upstairs and got everybody ready. Then we went to Mom's house.

We pulled into the driveway of my mom's house and the girls were trying to get out of their seats. "Hold on girls, we have to unbuckle your straps before you can get out you silly gooses." I say. Lili got out of her seat belt and ran to the door. Jug and I got the triplets out of the car and they all ran to the door like Lili. While running Julie fell. Jug and I run to to her. "Are you okay Julie?" Jug asks as I hug her. She cries "No." She cries even more. "What's wrong?" I ask her. "My leg hurts." She cries. "Mommy please make it better." She says as she looks into my eyes with tears. "I will baby, Daddy's going to to go get Grammy." I say and look at Jug. He nods and takes the other kids inside. He comes back outside with my mom and his Dad. "What happened?" Mom asks. "She was running to the door and fell. She hurt her leg." I say. Jug scoops her up out of the my arms and kisses her nose. "We have to get your leg checked out then." He says. Mom smiles at him. "He's so good with the kids." Mom whispers to me. "I know, I love him so much that I can't even explain it." I whisper back. When I look up I see Juliet in FP's arms. "Who's watching the rest of the the kids?" I ask. "Everyone is basically here. Veronica, Archie, Lucy, Fangs, Kevin, Toby, Cheryl, Toni, Kayla, Josh, Polly, Juniper, Dagwood, Laura, Liam, Jellybean, Jackson, and Sweet Pea." She says. "Mom you could've just said everyone in our 'family' you know." I say laughing. "We got to go, but we will be back." Jug says putting Julie in her car seat. "Tell the kids we will be back, or just tell everyone it doesn't matter because I know someone will ask so..." I say getting into the car. They nodded and went back into the house as we drove to the hospital. On the way there Julie started crying. "What's wrong baby?" Jug asks. "My leg hurts Daddy." She cries. "Baby we're almost there." I say. "Did I brake it?" She asks. For a three year old she is really smart. "I don't know that is why we are going to the doctor's." I say.

We get to the hospital and check her in. There wasn't a lot of people, so we got in the room quickly. "Juliet Jones." The doctor says. We stand up and Jug has Julie in his arms. It felt so hot in the room. It felt like the room was spinning. When we got in there we sat Julie on the chair. "So what brings you here today?" The doctor asks. I couldn't answer because my head was hurting bad so Jug answered. "She fell and hurt her leg." He says. "Are you okay Mommy?" Julie asks me. "Is there a bathroom somewhere?" I ask. "Yeah, down the hall." I rushed down the hall into the bathroom. Once I got there I locked the door and threw up in the toilet. I went back to the room and I still didn't feel well. I sat back down. "Are you okay?" Jug asks. I shake my head. I couldn't talk because everything was overwhelming me. I try to stand up, but it's wobbly. The last thing I remember was the doctor and Jug calling my name, before everything had gone black.

A/N This chapter is 1,136 word long other than this part. I thought since I haven't been updating that I would do a really long chapter. This is the longest chapter I have ever written. I hope you like the first chapter of the sequel! The sequel to "Sprousehart Story" will be soon. I am going somewhere this weekend so it might not be up until Monday. Bye!

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