19. Friends.

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Lili's POV

"Mom, can a couple of friends come over?" I ask her. "Sure." She says and goes back to planning assignments for her 2nd graders. "Thank you!" I say and go up to my bedroom. I get out my phone and call everyone. They said that they will be here soon. I'm excited to go on winter break. It's only a week away. Jackson and Jelly moved out and Laura stayed. 

"Hey!" I say to my friends as they walk through the door. "Hey!" They say. "What do you want to do?" I ask them. "We can watch some movies or something." Layla suggests. "Come up with stories." Ava suggests. "Go to Pop's and come up with stories." Natalie suggests. "Sure." I say. "Lets go to Pop's." I say and get my coat and boats on. "Mom, dad! I'm going out!" I shout. "Okay, bye, love you!" They shout back. "Love you too." I say and go out the door with my friends.

We were sitting at a booth in Pop's. We had a milkshake in front of each of us.  Kayla couldn't hang out today because Auntie Cher and Auntie Toni wanted to spend more time with them. It was just Layla, Ava, Natalie, and I. "Okay, hit me." I say as we're doing ideas. "The story of your life." Ava says. "That's good." I say. "A Bughead Fanfiction." Natalie says. "My mom and dad? No thank you." I say. "The story of our lives." Layla says. "Lets do that." I say and everyone nods.

*Story Below is told by Lili*

"The Story of our lives. Oh how they're so different. Pop's is a landmark that we will forever love. Bestfriends are the story of our lives. Love is the story of our lives. Most importantly, Family is the story of our lives. For me, my biological family died when I was only turning three years old. With tiny legs, I walked to a house. that house contained the people I call family today. Except all of my siblings were not born or adopted yet, but they are my family. Blood related or not. Layla's story is that she has only lived with her mom for her whole life. Her dad  walked out after she was born because he didn't want kids. Natalie and Ava's story is that they're twins. They're like the rest of the normal kids, no offense to them, but they live with both of their parents. They have 6  sisters. You would think that's a lot, but surprisingly for me, no. I have 6 sisters and two brothers. My siblings. Lucas is adopted. Serenity Lea and Juliet are triplets. Natalie and Nicole are twins and Natalie is both, my bestfriends name and sisters name. Then the youngest of my siblings. Forsythe and Allison. We call them Julian and Ally though. From a distance, our lives look normal, but some can hold secrets and maybe yours has a secret too."  ~Lili  Jones

My friends and I went our separate ways to our homes. When I got home, mom and dad were in the kitchen cooking dinner. Everyone is in a different spot. Some on the couch, some in the kitchen, and some probably up in their rooms. "Hey, I'm home." I say and walk into the kitchen. "Hey." They all say. "Dad are you busy?" I ask. "Not really, why?" He asks. "Can I talk to you?" I ask. "Sure." He says and we go into his study. "So I was at Pop's and I was writing." I start and he nods. "Could you look at it?" I ask. "Of course." He says and I hand him the paper. "Well for starters you could bring your laptop to Pop's if your going to write." He says. "Wait, did you used to write with your laptop at Pop's?" I ask. "Yeah, when I was 16 and a loner, weirdo." He says. I chuckle and he does too. "I'll let you know what I think in a few." He says and I nod. 

I'm sitting on the couch, eating chips. Dad walks out and hands me the new typed paper. "You didn't have to type it." I say and he chuckles. "I wanted too." He says. "It's great, can I publish it?" Dad asks. "What!?" I say. "Of course you can." I say and hug him. "I love you dad." I tell him. "I love you too, Lili Bear." He says and we both laugh at the nickname that he had given me when I was three years old. 

A/N Sorry it's short. There's going to be a chapter later too! Suggestions? That would be great. I'm kind of stuck right now. Bye!

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