6. Good Times...

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Jug's POV

It has been a week since Betty has had the twins and we sent Serenity away to stay with Polly. We haven't been doing much for the last couple days because we have newborn babies to take care of. They're actually really chill and they hardly ever cry. They only cry when they need their diaper changed and when they're hungry. Juliet and Lea are definitely opposites, but they are inseparable and the closest that they have ever been. I kind of feel bad for sending Serenity away, but we know that Polly will at least try to help her. 

I'm a little concerned since Polly has had troubles in the past and I keep telling Betty that maybe we should pick her up and take her to someone who is professional, but she hasn't decided. 

"Hey!" I say walking into the house. "Hey!" Betty and Alice say in unison. "I picked up the stuff that you wanted me to get." I say and hand Betty the stuff. She wanted some baby headbands and more baby toys. "We really didn't need more baby toys, but whatever they're to cute." I say and sigh. Julie and Lea run to me. "Daddy!" They say. "Hey, are you ready to go over to Auntie V's house?" I ask them. They nod and smile big. "I can't wait to see Lucy!" Julie says. I pick them both up, one on each hip, and go over to Betty. "Where did dad go?" I ask. "He went over to the Wyrm to address some things." Alice says. "Hey girls, we still have about two hours until we go to Auntie V's. Do you want to go to the Wyrm?" I ask. "Yesss!" They yell. "Hey, be quiet you brother and sister are sleeping." I say as I look over to them sleeping peacefully in their baby swings. I go over and kiss their heads. I then go over to Betty. "How about we make it a trip, since the Serpents haven't  seen the babies yet?" I ask her. "Sure, we have to go get them ready." She says. I smile, peck her lips, and nod. "Alice, can you put their shoes on?" I ask pointing to Julie and Lea. "Yeah, you go get them adorable babies ready." She says. "Hey! I'm adorable too!" Lea says. "Yeah!" Julie says and they both cross their arms on their chest. "Okay, everyone's adorable, thanks mom." Betty says sarcastically. 

We got the babies ready in these outfits:

We got the babies ready in these outfits:

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we thought the outfits were cute

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we thought the outfits were cute. We also, got all of our kids mini Serpent jackets to go along with their outfits since we are going to the Wyrm.  

These were Juliet's and Lea's outfits:

These were Juliet's and Lea's outfits:

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"Ready?" I ask everyone

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"Ready?" I ask everyone. Everyone nods their head and we head out to the car, well it's basically a van since we have 6 kids + Betty, me, and our parents sometimes ride with us. The drive to the Wyrm was only 5 minutes, but we have two toddlers and two babies, so we are definitely not walking anywhere. Lili is staying with Cheryl and Toni for the sleepover Kayla is having. 

We get to the Wyrm and the babies were awake now. Julie and Lea ran in first, Alice went after them, and then we went in with the babies. Everyone clapped and cheered. "Hey everyone!" I say to get everyone's attention. "There's a meeting later at 6." Betty says and everyone cheers. "It feels like we haven't had a meeting in forever." Hog Eye says, he's holding Lea. "I know because you guys can't stop having kids." Dad says, he's holding Julie. "Oh shut up, you may have only two kids, but that doesn't mean that I can't have as many as I want." I say. "We all know the real reason, but there's kids around." He says and winks at Betty and I. "Oh, shut up." I say and push his shoulder lightly. I take Julian out of his car seat while Betty takes Ally out of hers. Everyone smiles and claps. "Their so cute." Penny says. (Penny is good in this and so is Tall boy. Also, Penny is Betty's Aunt, so Alice's sister.) I smile at her and so does Betty. "Thanks Aunt Pen." Betty says. Betty hand Ally to Penny. "She looks a lot like Betty, but with your hair." She says talking to me. "And, she has your blue eyes." She adds, still talking to me. "I know, but Julian is the opposite." I say. I hand JJ to Betty and she looks at him. "Yeah, he looks like you and still has your hair, but has my eyes." Betty says to me. We hang out and talk until 6 comes around, then we start the meeting. We talked about random things about life, how everyone was doing, and about the Ghoulies, since they haven't shown their faces around in almost 4 years.

Polly's POV

I have been taking great care of Serenity and the Farm has helped a lot. They have erased everything that was in her life before a week ago and she is to call me mom. I have a surprise for Juniper, Dagwood, and Serenity.

"Hey children." I say. "Hey mom." They all say in unison. "Time for your candy." I say. They all stand up and walk to me. I hand them their candy and they eat it. "Now, I have a surprise." I say. They nod. "The Farm wants to take a trip and we are all going." I say. They nod. "Time for bed. Don't forget." I say. "Dream about our fears." They say. "Why?" I ask. "It helps us face our demons." They say. I nod and go out of the room. I have a meeting with the Farm, so I get dressed in my "Farm" clothes and leave the house. I trust them, since the "candy" helps them.

A/N Oh my gosh. Is this good? I don't know, but Polly is crazy and she is trying to take Serenity? I think this chapter was so good. Also, if you want me to add you in my story, comment your name and I will put you in my story. Bye! 

Thanks for all the support @wendyguardiansofgf 

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