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Lili's POV

"Why are we awake so early." I groan. "We have an appointment, remember?" Gabe asks. I think for a minute, but then I remember that the appointment was today. "I remember now, I thought it was tomorrow." I chuckle. "You're parents are coming right?" He asks and I nod. "Of course, they wouldn't miss it." I say and kiss him lightly as I get up. "Is your dad coming?" I ask. He shrugs. "I don't know, we haven't talked in a while." He sighs. I hug him. "We should talk to him, but you have told him about the baby, right?" I ask. He stays silent. "Gabe, we have to tell him when we go to talk to him, okay?" I ask. He nods and kisses my forehead. "Okay." He says and we get ready. We were staying with my mom and dad because filming has been delayed for a couple more weeks. 

"Hey." Mom says as we go downstairs. "Hey." We say and sit on the couch next to her and dad. "Are you guys coming to the appointment?" I ask. They nod. "You two are all over the internet right now." Dad chuckles. "Really?" I ask and grab my phone off the table. "We had it muted to only friends and family because the fans are wild." Gabe says as he checks his phone too. "Wow, only a few episodes in and they're all ready making edits of us. We're the top ship." I say. "That is weird to think that my daughter is more famous than her dad." Dad chuckles. I slap him in the arm lightly and chuckle too. "Wait, why is Jules asleep on the couch?" I ask. "She's having nightmares again." Mom says and her and dad sigh. I nod and get up. "Where are you going?" Gabe asks. "The fridge." I say with a 'duh' face. He gets up and follows me into the kitchen. I grab some fruit and put it into a bowl. I get chips and dip and go back into the living room. "Health and not healthy, your brain is weird." Mom chuckles. I shrug and start to eat my food. "Can you eat that on the way? We're going to be late." Gabe says. I groan and nod. 

As we were walking out of the house, Auntie V and Uncle Arch are walking up to us. "We're here." Auntie V says. "They're all still asleep and if Jules wakes up crying, comfort her and she'll go back to sleep." Mom tells her. She nods and her and Uncle Arch go inside with their very tired kids behind them. We chuckle and get in the car. Dad drives us to the appointment

*At the appointment*

"Okay, everything looks good, you're 4 months so the baby should start kicking soon." The doctor says. We all nod. "Also, I can see if we can get the gender today." He adds. We nod again and he pushes some buttons and clicks the mouse to find it. "I'll be right back." He says and leaves the room. He comes back minutes later with another doctor and they look at the screen. "Nothing's wrong, don't worry. We just had to look at it again." He tells us and we all sigh of relief. "You want to know the gender?" He asks. "Yeah." Gabe and I say. "Okay, you're having a boy! Congratulations!" He says and goes out of the room. "Oh my gosh, I'm so happy!" Gabe says and hugs me after I got the gel off of my stomach. "I'm excited and happy!" I says and hug him back. "You guys are going to be great parents." Mom says. "We're happy for you." Dad says and they hug us now.

A/N I'll post another story chapter later if you read my other stories. Bye!

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