37. The Memories

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Betty's POV

I wake up and I grab my neck. Ugghh, It's cramped up. I look and see Lili right by me. Her hair is a mess and she has dry tears. I sigh and kiss her head. Today is the reunion. This year is themed memories. I have so many memories from when Jug and I are little, to the kids, and then to now. I smile at the memories. I get up and go to the kitchen. I grab my phone on the way there. Jug is sitting there writing, as usual. I roll my eyes in a playful way and hug him from behind. 

"Hey." He says. "Hey." I smile. "Today is memory day." Jug says. "Yes it is and I have everything ready." I say and he faces me. "I love you." He says. I chuckle and nod. "I know, I love you too." I say and kiss his lips. We pull away and I go to the fridge to cook breakfast for everyone.

"Hey mom." Jules says as she walks into the kitchen. "Hey, you're finally out of your room?" I ask. She chuckles and nods. "I have good news!" She says. "Your not pregnant right?" I say and laugh nervously. She shakes her head. "No, I've never done that, ew." She says and crunches up her face. "My crush likes me back!" She squeals. I see Lili jump up and fall off the couch. "Shut the hell up." She groans. "Make me." Jules says. Lili gets up and starts chasing after her. Jules squeals and runs up the steps. "I swear to god! If you wake my kids up, you're dead!" Lili yells. "Mike is up." I sigh seeing him walk down the steps. He's holding Max's hand. I go over to them and pick Max up, as she was about to fall down the steps. "Lili Rose Jones!" I shout at her. She stops and looks at me. "Sorry?" She questions. "You need to stop yelling at your sister and look after your kids." I say. She takes Max out of my hands and sighs, looking guilty. "Maxy woke me up." Mike says. Lili returns to soft Lili and kisses his head. "Grammy is making breakfast, lets go and play with your cars." She tells him and goes over to the couch. I start to make breakfast again.

"Mom! I'm home!" I hear Suri say as we're eating breakfast. "You finally came home." I say. She rolls her eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me." I say. She rolls her eyes again and sits down. I roll my eyes now and smirk. "You're only here because of the reunion, right?" Jug asks her. She nods. Lea comes down stairs. "I didn't even know you were here." Jug chuckles and I nod. "Well I am." She says. We get ready for the reunion after we eat. 

A/N Week #2 of school completed. I've already missed 2 days of school XD. I have been sick all week ugh. My friend keeps passing it to me and I keep passing to her, so e both get each other sick. 1 more chapter. *Sad Music comes on* XD

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