4. 5 months later

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Betty's POV 

Today is the day! We get to find out what the gender is! I'm so excited as of everyone else. We can't bring the kids because they will be in school. It will only be Jug and I when we find out because we want to tell everyone at the same time. Julie got her cast of her leg and everything is fully healed.

Jug's POV

"I don't wanna go to school Daddy." Julie says crying into my chest. "You have to go to school. It's only for 5 hours and I will be there the first two hours." I say and pick her up. "Lets go downstairs to your sisters." I say as I carry her downstairs. I put her down and go over to Betty. "Hey." I say and give her a kiss. "Hey." She says and goes to put on Serenity, Lea, and Julie's shoes and coats. "Lets go!" Betty yells up the stairs at Lili. I pick up all the triplets since Betty can't pick up anything too heavy, like the triplets. I go out to the car and put them all in their seats. "Daddy, I'm going to have so much fun!" Serenity says. "With Lucy and Toby too!" Lea says. "I don't wanna leave you and mommy." Julie cries. "It's going to be okay Julie, you will make great friends and you have your sisters too. We are going for two hours." Betty says as she comes out with their school bags. She packed some books and notebooks for Julie in hers and they all have a packed lunch. They also had some toys like barbies and a baby doll. I think it's cute how Julie is so scared to leave Betty and I. They are three, but did we make the wrong decision to put them in preschool now? Should we have waited for another year? It doesn't matter now since we already signed them up, but it could be good for them to make friends other than in their family area. 

We were all in the car driving to Riverdale Elementary for Lili. She's in 2nd grade now and she is getting so big. All the kids are growing up so fast. We finally get to Lili's school and we kiss her head and wave goodbye. "Bye Lili bear!" I say. "Bye!" She says and runs up to Kayla and Josh since Toni and Cheryl already dropped them off. Lili has been going to school for a couple months and the triplets start school now because they are new to the whole school thing. We drive off to the preschool, which is a couple blocks from Riverdale Elementary. Once we get there, we go inside. "Hi, today we will have all you little ones come up here. You will come up one at a time and point to your parents and say the names of your siblings and then you will say your name and two things about yourself or switch it around." The teacher says. All the kids in the room nod. a couple of kids went up and then it was Serenity's turn. She points to Betty and I. "I am Serenity Jones my sisters are Lili, Lea, Juliet, and my mommy is having a baby or babies. I like the color pink and I have a big family." She says and all the kids giggle at her. Toby went up and pointed at fangs and Kevin. "I am Toby Keller. I like to ride a motorcycle with my Daddy Fangs, and I like gossip as my Daddy Kevin says spill the tea." He says and all the adults laugh and the kids giggle. He is only three and Kev already taught him that. Lucy went. She pointed to Veronica and Archie. "I am Lucy Andrews. I like the color purple and hanging out with my Auntie Betty over there." She says and points to Betty. Betty smiles at her and waves. Lea goes up next. "I am Lea Jones. My sisters are Lili, Serenity, Juliet, and my mommy is having a baby or babies. I like hanging out with my Auntie Veronica, I like singing and dancing." she points at Veronica and she smiles and waves like Betty did. All the kids went except Juliet and she was last. Why is she so much like me? She points to us like Serenity and Lea did. "I'm Juliet Jones. I have the same siblings as Serenity and Lea. Can I say more than two things?" She asks the teacher. The teacher nods. "I like a lot of things, such as writing, reading, food, and my beanie just like my Daddy's beanie he always wears." She says and the teacher is surprised at her way of words. All the adults are except Kev, Fangs, Veronica, Archie, Betty, and I. Almost all the kids role their eyes even Serenity and Lea. This generation sure is sassy. Toby and Lucy didn't role their eyes, they smiled with two other kids. I can already tell she is going to have a few friends. 

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