31. Family time

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Betty's POV

Jug and I are on the couch watching TV with Laura, Jelly's, and our kids. Lili and Gabe are here because they have a break from shooting for a week. 

"Who's hungry?" I ask. Everyone looks up at me and nods excitedly. "Of course." Lili says and smiles at me. I chuckle and get up. Everyone follows me. "I'm making a phone call." I say and laugh at their faces. They sigh and sit back down on the couches. I call Pop's and order everyone's usual and Lili's new usual, which is double hers. "Pop is sending someone to deliver it to the house." I tell everyone. They nod and focus their attention back on the TV. I sit back down and Jug wraps his arms around me. 

There's a knock at the door and Jug gets up to get it. "False alarm!" He shouts from the door. The kids groan and Lili sighs. Mom walks in and all the kids get up and hug her. "I'm a false alarm, huh?" She asks. "Is Grampy coming too?" Julian asks. "I don't know." Mom tells him and everyone sits back down. Mom sits next to me. "Hey, how's it going?" Mom asks me. "It's good." I say and we hug. "How are you." Mom asks Lili. "I'm good." She says and smiles. "Gosh, you're better than any of us at pregnancy, at least you got the 'I'm in a good mood' mood. We were all grumpy and Betty was just a little better than grumpy, but still moody." Mom says and we all chuckle. "Okay mom, we get it." I say. There's another knock on the door. Jug gets up and gets the door. "It's not the food again." He groans and then everyone else does. "I'm here." FP says. All the kids hug him and then sit down again. "Oh my gosh, can we just get the food." Jug whines. "Stop acting like a 3 year old, you're 30." I say and kiss him. He rolls his eyes and pecks my cheek. FP sits down next to Jug and asks him how he's doing a stuff like that. We all forget about the movie and talk to everyone around us. 

The food was finally here and all the kids were on the floor eating, so they wouldn't make a mess. All of the adults, plus Lili, Lucas, and Gabe are on the couches. 

Lili's POV

I was talking to Gram and Gramps. "So, how far along are you?" Gram asks. "A little over 2 and a half months, so almost 3 months." I say. She nods. "So in about 2 months, you will get the gender?" Gramps asks. Gabe and I nod. I am curled up in Gabe's side and his arms are around me. "We have to have the baby in the show, so it's going to be an actual birth in the scene, but you can all come too." I say and they nod. We talk the rest of the day about the show or little things like unicorns with the little kids.

A/N Any ideas? I give credit every time someone gives me an idea. Bye!

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