36. Surprise

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Lili's POV

Never take a 5 year old and a 2 year old on a plane. They were terrible. Right now, I'm walking to mom with Max and Mike. Mike starts running to her and Max squirms in my arms. "Hi mom." I say. "Hi." She says and takes Mike's hand. "Are we going to see everyone Mommy?" Mike asks me. I nod. We get to the car and I put them in their car seats. 

"Lili's home!" I hear Ally say and she runs to me. I put Max down. I pull Ally into a hug. I see Max running around dad. I go to Mike and tickle him. "Mommy stop!" He giggles. I kiss his forehead and he goes back to playing with cars. I pick Max up and sit on the couch, her on my lap. "So, how's it going?" I ask. "Well, Suri is never home, Lea never talks to anyone, Jules stays in her room, Natalie and Nicole are always over at Veronica or Cheryl's, Julian and Ally are always here on these couches." Dad chuckles. "Oh wow, that's going to change." Mom says. She's hardly home because of work. I nod. "Mike is starting Kindergarten soon." I say. "Where?" Mom asks. "Here." I say. They nod and then make weird faces. "Wait, what?" Mom asks. "I bought a house here." I say. "What about all of your stuff?" Dad asks. "The movers are driving it here." I say. "So, it will be a couple days." I add. Max looks up at me tiredly. I kiss her forehead and stand up. "I'm going to put them to bed." I say. I grab Mike's hand and go upstairs with Max in my arms. We only have my bed here, so I put them both in my bed and tuck them in. "Night, love you." I say. "Love you." Mike says. Max attempts to say it. I chuckle and go downstairs. "I'm so scared mom." I say to her. "Why?" She asks. "I never told you the truth about a lot of things." I say. "You can tell me anything." Mom says. Everyone else was in bed. "Gabe, he didn't like it when I told him about Max." I start. "I know, you guys broke up." Mom says confused. "We didn't break up because of that, we broke up because he was starting to get abusive." I say and start crying. "You should've called Lili, we could've helped." Mom says and hugs me. "He's in this town." I say. "And I'm so scared of him." I add. "It's going to be okay." She comforts me.

A/N Well, week #1 of school. I have had 1 test and a lot of pretests. I also have like a lot of the same teachers of last year. Since this story has over 1.5k, I'm going to tell you my name and age. My name is Ava. Some may know that because I write myself into my stories. I'm 13 years old. Thank you for reading all my stories. This story has 2 chapters left. 

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