33. The end is coming

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This story has a few chapters left. About 3 or 4 because I ran out of ideas, so here's a time skip. Sorry.

*Time pass 5 years*

Betty and Jughead are 35

Lili is 21

Michael is 5

Maxine is 2

Lucas is 20

Julian and Ally are 13

Serenity, Juliet, and Lea are 17

Natalie and Nicole are 14

Betty's POV

Lili lives in LA with their 5 year old son Michael or mike and her 2 year old daughter Maxine or Max. Lucas lives in New York with his girlfriend Sammy. Serenity's boyfriend's name is Caleb. Lea has a girlfriend named Nina. Juliet doesn't have a boyfriend yet, but she has a crush on someone. She won't tell us who though. We think it's the new neighbor. Everything is good in Riverdale at the moment. We have a reunion coming up.

"Hey Jug." I say. "Hey Betts." He says and kisses my lips. "How's it going?" I ask. "It's good, but she still won't tell." He says talking about Jules. "Maybe we can get Lili to help, she's on a plane to come here right now with Mike and Max." I say. He nods. If you're wondering where Gabe is, they broke up 3 years ago. No, Max is not his. Lili had a one night stand with a guy and got pregnant. Mike has dark curly brown hair and brown eyes. Max has red hair and blue eyes. 

"Mom, tell Julian to stop bugging me!" Ally shouts. "Julian stop bugging your sister." I say sternly. "She's talking to a boy!" He defends. "What boy?" Jug asks. "He's gay and he goes to our school. He's trying to tell his parents about him being gay, but he doesn't know how. I'm helping him." She says. "Wait, how do you know a way for him to tell his parents?" I ask "I may have looked it up..." She says. "Are you Bisexual or.." I say. "I'm Bisexual yes." She says. "Your sister is Lesbian, so I support you along with everyone else." I say. "Thanks mom." She says and hugs me. We make it a group hug with Julian, Jug, Ally, and I. "I love you all." She says. "We love you too." Jug, Julian, and I say. 

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