29. Secrets

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Betty's POV

Lili hasn't talked to any of us for a while. Jug and I think that she's hiding something. She's still filming, but she hasn't called or texted us since Comic Con. That was 2 months ago. 

"Jug, should we call her?" I ask him. He nods. "She hasn't called or texted, so yeah." He says. I pull out my phone and dial her number. It rings and she picks up. "H-Hey mom, what's up?" She stutters. I give Jug a look. "What's wrong?" I ask her. "N-Nothing." She stutters again. "Lili, we know when something's wrong. "C-Can you g-get a flight?" She asks. "Yeah, we'll be there tomorrow." Jug says. I hang up and look at Jug. "Something's wrong." I say. He nods and books the flight. "I'll call Cheryl and Veronica to see if they can keep the kids." I tell him. He nods and I call Cheryl and Veronica. They say that they can watch the kids while we see what's up with Lili. 

*The next day*

We just landed and we are in the airport getting a taxi to Lili's apartment. When we get in the taxi, we get nervous. "What if something really bad happened to her." I say. "I hope she's okay." Jug says. We keep talking until the taxi stops at Lili's apartment. We get out and go up to her apartment door. We knock a couple times. Lili answers the door looking exhausted. "Where's Gabe?" Jug asks. "Filming." She sniffles. "Why aren't you?" I ask. "I'm sick." She says. We nod and I guide her to her room. I tuck her into bed and kiss her head. "Are you okay?" I ask. She shakes her head. "The producers want me to do something." She cries. "You can tell me anything." I say. She shakes her head. "I can't." She sobs. I pull her into a hug and she sobs into my shoulder. She pulls away and runs to the bathroom. I run after her and hold her hair because she's throwing up. "How long have you been throwing up!?" I ask worried. She ignores me. "Lili Jones answer me." I say sternly. "A couple weeks." She says. She stands up and I hug her. She sobs into my shoulder. "It's going to be okay." I say. "That's exactly what the producers wanted and they got it before they asked me!" She shouts. "Hey, calm down." I say. I guide her to her bed. "Have you took a test?" I ask. She shakes her head. "It's okay, here." I say and give her one out of my bag. "Why do you have one?" She asks. "Emergencies." I say and shrug. She chuckles and hugs me. "Are you mad?" She asks. "I'm disappointed, but no, I'm not mad." I chuckle. "It runs in the family for some reason." I add and we both laugh. "Grandma, Polly, Me, and now you." I say and she looks down. "It's fine." I say and raise her head. "Go take them, but don't be cursed." I say and laugh. She goes into the bathroom and comes back a minute later. "We have to wait." She sighs. I nod and kiss her head. "Your dad's probably eating all of your food." I say and we chuckle. 

*Five minutes later*

Lili's POV

The results come in and I can't look at them. I hand it to mom and she gasps. She hands me it and I gasp and start to cry. "What am I going to do?" I ask mom. "You're going to tell Gabe and raise and love this baby or babies." She says and I nod. "I'm going to tell your dad, you sleep." She says and kisses my hair. I nod and lay down. I fall asleep thinking about how I'm going to tell Gabe.

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