28. Summer Break

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Betty's POV

It was summer break and we were picking up the kids because we were surprising them.  "Hi mom!" They say. "Hey." I say. "What about me?" Jug asks them. "Hi dad." They say sarcastically. "Thank you." Jug says. "Is Lili driving her and Lucas home?" Julie asks. "Yeah." I say. Lili got her drivers license and a car. "We have a surprise for all of you." Jug says. "What is it?" Ally asks. Everyone laughs. "It's a surprise silly." Natalie tells her. We all chuckle and Jug drives us to the surprise.

Lili's POV

I am driving behind mom and dad because they said that they have a surprise. I have Lucas, Natalie, Ava, Kayla, Josh, Layla, and Gabe in the car with me. I have to leave for filming with Gabe soon because he got a part too as Jessica and Justin's kid. "Baby, where are we going?" Gabe asks. "I think I know." I say. "Where?" Kayla asks. "Remember the lodge we used to go to when we were little?" I ask. They nod. "I think we're going there." I say.

We pull into the lodge driveway. "I knew it." I tell mom and dad. They chuckle. All my siblings jump out of the car laughing at stuff. "You and Gabe go in first." Mom says. We walk in. "Surprise!" Everyone yells. "Congratulations on the roles!" I hear. "Auntie Ev!" I squeal and hug her. Gabe hugs her after me. "You've grown." She says. "I'm 16." I say. "You also have a very big role." She says. I nod. "Clay and Hannah's daughter." I say. She smiles at me.

"You can have the lodge to yourself until you have to leave for filming." Mom says. "Really!?" I ask. She nods. "Thank you!" I say and hug her. "Kayla, Layla, Josh, and Gabe can stay." Dad says. I nod and hug him too. "I love you, bye!" I squeal. 

"You two can have the farthest room from everybody else." Kayla says. "We laugh and nod. "Why?" I ask. "Incase you want to celebrate, duh." Layla says. We all burst into laughter. "Maybe I do want to celebrate." I wink at Gabe. He smirks at me. "Okay stop eying each other and just go." Josh says. We get up and he takes my hand. We go to the bedroom. I think you know what happened next.

*Pass to filming*

"Lili, you're needed on set." A producer says. I nod and go get in my place. We were filming a little and then going to Comic Con to see if people like it.

*The Show*

"Why are you acting weird Jackson!?" I shout at Gabe. "You don't understand, Grace, I have problems. I'm trying to fix them!" He shouts. "Have you told anyone else other than me that you have "problems" Jackson!?" I shout he shakes his head. "You need to tell your parents or you may never get better." I say sincerely. "Cut!" I hear. I wipe my tears and hug Gabe. "You're such a great actress." He says. "You too." I say and kiss him.

*Comic Con*

"Gabriel Mantle as Jackson Foley!" I hear. Gabe walks on stage and people cheer. There weren't that many, but fans from 13 Reasons Why came. At least over 2,000 people came. "Lili Jones as Grace Jensen!" I hear. I walk out on stage and people cheer. I sit by Gabe and kiss his cheek. 

We answered so many questions and it was tiring. When we were done, mom, dad, and all my siblings were allowed backstage. "You did so great, but don't end up like me. I love you all, but I wanted to be an actress too. I never got to because of all of you." Mom say. I nod. I'm not planning on getting pregnant at 16. Gabe comes back from the food table with a bunch of food. "Thanks." I say and kiss his cheek. He nods. "Can we talk to you two?" Dad asks. We nod and go over to a quiet place to talk. "I know it's that time in a relationship and it's so weird to talk about this, but are you being safe?" Mom asks us. We blush and I hide my face in the crook of Gabe's neck. "Yeah." I mumble. "Okay, thank god." Dad says. 'We don't need any babies from you yet, okay?" Dad asks. I nod and blush more. They go and talk to other people. "That was embarrassing." I mumble tiredly into Gabe's neck. "I know, sleep. You're tired." He says. He sits down and I sit on his lap. I put my face in the crook of his neck. "Night." I say. "Night baby." He says and kisses my hair.

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