5. Labor

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Betty's POV

It has been almost 4 months since we found out the genders of the babies. Suri and Lea are the queens of the preschool. Sad to say that they are only three and already leave out Julie. I usually find Julie playing by herself or when Lucy, Toby, Melanie, and Casey come over to play, she plays with them. 

"Hey girls." I say as I walk into the triplets' room. "Hey mommy." They say. "Where's Julie?" I ask. "Crying like a crybaby." Suri says. "That is not nice." I say sternly. "Sorry." She says mocking me. "Do you want to stay with Grammy for a week?" I ask. My mom is not nice when it comes to discipline, I would know. She doesn't hit them or anything like that, but she does take their stuff away and put them in timeout. "I want to stay with Grammy!" They say. "If you want to stay, where's Julie?" I ask. "She's in the closet." They say in unison. I go over to the closet and open the door. She looks up at me and she had tears in her eyes. "M-Mommy!" She says and hugs me. "Jug!" I yell and he runs into the room. "What, who's hurt?" He asks. "Julie needs you right now, I have to call my mom to pick Suri and Lea up." I say and he goes over to us and picks Julie up.

Jug's POV

I went over to them and picked Julie up. I took her downstairs and sat her on the couch. I grabbed the remote and sat next to her. She cuddled into my side and starts to cry. "What's wrong?" I ask her. "Suri and Lea are mean." She says and hugs me tighter. "Your birthday's coming up." I say to try to cheer her up. "I don't want to have a birthday." She says. "Why?" I ask. "Suri and Lea are mean." She repeats. "How long have they been mean?" I ask. "Since school." She cries. "The first day?" I ask. She nods. "It's going to be okay, Mommy and I are going to talk to them about it, okay?" I ask. "Okay." She says. "What movie do you want to watch?" I ask. "Wreck-It Ralph!" She says. "Okay." I say and kiss her head. We started to watch the movie when there was a knock at the door. I get up and open the door to Alice. "Hey, Suri and Lea are just going." I say. "Why?" She asks. "They have been mean to Julie, so Betty thought it was a good idea to let them stay over for a week." I say. Julie runs up to Alice and hugs her. "Hi Grammy!" She says. "Hi Julie." Alice says and kisses her hair. Suri and Lea run and push Julie out of the way. I caught her before she hit the floor and she starts crying. "Why are you so mean!" Julie asks them. "Because your weird." Suri says. "Your different too." Lea says. "Girls! Just because Julie can read and write doesn't mean that she is weird. She is very intelligent for her age and just because she has brown hair doesn't make her any less beautiful then you two are." Betty explains. The girls look at Julie and look away. "I don't care." They say. Betty looks angry at them. "Betts, go and calm down. Take a nap and I will deal with this, okay?" I ask. She nods and gives me a peck on the lips before she goes to take a nap. "Girls, your mommy is about to have, not one, but two babies and it's a lot of work. Can you stop being so rude to your sister and stop putting stress on your mommy." I say sternly. "Fine." They say and Alice rolls her eyes. "If you be mean to your sister I'm going to take your toys away." Alice says to Suri and Lea. She grabs their hands and takes them to the car. They all get in the car and drive away. Julie had stopped crying by now and we went back to the couch to finish the movie. 

It has been a couple hours and we had finished "Wreck-It Ralph" and "Frozen." We ate lunch and were having desert when Betty yelled. "Jug!" She yells. I rush up to our room. "What." I say out of breath. "T-The b-babies are c-coming!" She yells in pain. I see a puddle on the floor where her water broke. I pick her up bridal style and rush down the stairs. "Julie get in the car, mommy is having your baby brother and sister." I say and she goes out the door and leaves it open. I go to the car and sit Betty down on her seat. Julie was buckled up. I started calling everyone on the way there. Everyone was on their way. Veronica, Archie, and Lucy were already there since Lucy had to get some shots. They took Julie and sat in the waiting room while Betty and I were in the hospital room. "Betts, I can't believe the babies are about to come." I say and kiss her lips softly. "I know, even though I just took a nap, I'm so tired." She says. "Just stay awake a couple more hours." I say and she nods. Alice and my dad walk into the room. "Hey." I say. "Hey." They say in unison. "Betty, I'm so proud of you." Alice says. "Thanks mom." She says and Alice hugs her. "I'm proud of both of you. You guys make some cute children." My dad says. "Thanks dad." I say. He hugs Betty and then he hugs me. 

The Doctor walks in. "Okay, everyone out except the father of the babies and the mother of the mom of these babies." The doctor says. (Confusing, I know.) The doctor delivered the babies and the first one born was Forsythe Pendleton Jones IV or Julian Jones. Then it was Allison Forsythia Jones or Ally Jones. Julian was born at 2:34 am on March 15th and Ally was born at 2:43 am on March 15th. They were adorable and they both had brown hair. The girls came in and Julie had the most biggest smile anyone can have. "They have brown hair like me!" She says. "They are cute." Suri says. "Cute!" Lea says. Lea turns to Julie and hugs her. "I'm sorry Julie, Suri told me I had to be mean to you." She says. "It's okay." Julie says and they kiss each others' cheeks. Suri scoffs and runs out of the room, but before she can get far Veronica stops her.

Veronica's POV

"Where do you think you're going young lady?" I ask. "None of your business older lady." She says and tries to get away. "Nope, if you run you will get in a lot of trouble and from what I have been seeing and hearing, you already are in trouble. I suggest you go in there and apologize to everyone." I say and she smirks. "Who do you think you are?" She asks. "Your Mommy's best friend and your Auntie V." I say getting annoyed. "Nope, I don't see it. I see a older lady who is trying to boss me around." She says with a huff. "Lucy tells me everything that you say about people and what you do if someone gets in your way. Your acting a lot like a bully." I say and she sighs getting annoyed. "I don't like my siblings and I don't like anyone, so can you get out of my way." She says. Everyone has heard what she is saying and gasps. Jughead, Archie, Alice, and FP comes over to us. "Suri that is not nice and your mom and I think that we should send you to your Aunt Polly's house for a month so she can set you right again." Jughead says. "If you were older we would have sent you to a school, but you're only three. You shouldn't be acting like that." Alice says. "Listen, I never had any siblings and your mom was the closest thing to a sister and your dad was the closest to a brother for me." Archie says. "I love you Suri, but Polly will help you. She went to college for helping kids." Jughead says and Polly walks into the room. "Come on Serenity, I have your bag packed. First I have to go see my new niece and nephew and my other nieces.

Polly's POV

I walked into Betty's hospital room and she was holding two babies. "Polly!" She says. "Hi Betty!" I say. "Your here for Suri, but do you want to meet your new niece and nephew?" She asks "Why do you think I came in here?" I ask and she laughs. "This is Forsythe Pendleton Jones IV and Allison Forsythia Jones." She says. "Cute, but do they have nicknames?" I ask. "Do you really think we would name our kid Forsythe and not have a nickname?" She asks sarcastically. "Their nicknames are Julian or JJ and Ally." She adds and I smile. "They are so adorable." I say. I walk over to where Lea and Juliet are playing. "Hi." I say. "Auntie Polly!" They say and hug me. I kiss their hair and go over to Betty. She hands me them both and I smile at them. I hand them back to her after a few minutes. "Bye guys!" I say walking out of the room after I gave them all hugs and kiss the kids' heads. "Bye!" They all say and I am out in the hallway now. "Lets go Serenity." I say and take her hand. We walk out of the hospital.

A/N The babies are born. I got some drama in the next couple chapters. Serenity and Lea are mean to Juliet, what? Lea was only mean because Serenity and she apologized to Juliet. Serenity had to go with Polly because of how she acted and we all hope that she will be alright, right? A couple hints for the next few chapters: Missing, Death, and Adoption? I hope you liked it. Bye!

It's 1 am and I was in bed thinking and you know what I forgot to do...shout out the person who came up with the names. Thank you wendyguardiansofgf for giving me the names.

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