38. The End

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Betty's POV

We were all gathered around at the place where everything begun. The place where we told Polly about the triplets. The place where Lili got to know everyone. It's sad to recall the memories. I always thought I would be a horrible mother, but here I am. 


"Mommy?" Little me says. "Yes?" She asks. "Why can't I go out with V and Cher?" I ask. "You didn't do good on your homework Elizabeth. You need to keep your grades up.." She sighs. "I'm only 6 mommy." I say. "Are you a Cooper?" She asks and I nod. "Then you need perfection." She snaps. I sigh and go to my room, tears forming in my eyes.

*End of Flashback*

I'm glad I never ended up like my mom was. "What are you thinking about?" Jug asks me. "My mom when I was younger." I sigh. "Hey, Betts. You are such a good mom, okay?" He asks. I nod and lay my head on his shoulder. "I love you." I say. He chuckles. "I love you too, lets go talk to other people." He says and we get up. I go over to Lili, V, Cher, and Toni. Jug goes up to Sweet Pea and Fangs. "Hey." I say. "Hey." Lili says and hands me Max. "Hey Max." I say and kiss her hair. "Nana." She giggles. "Yeah, Nana." I say and start talking with everyone. 

Jug's POV

I could see that Betty was stressed, she was always sighing or becoming tense. I go over to Sweet Pea and Fangs, as Betty and I parted. "Hey." I say to them. "Hey." They say. "So..." I say. "So." They chuckle. "This conversation is already boring." I chuckle. They nod. I go over to my dad and he was playing with Mike. "Hey Mike, dad." I say. "Hey." Mike giggles. Dad waves at me. "What are you guys doing?" I ask them. "Playing with cars." Mike says. Dad nods. "Hey, don't you have to pick up Pop's soon?" Dad asks. "Oh shoot, I forgot." I say and he chuckles. "Well, I'm going to go." I say and rush to the car. 

Juliet's POV

I'm sitting here with Lea talking about random stuff. (Because why not?) "Mom and dad are getting so annoying." Lea groans. "I know, I can't have a crush without them finding out, but he's my boyfriend now." I blush. "Juliet Jones has a boyfriend." Lea gasps. "Lea Jones is still annoying." I gasp sarcastically. She rolls her eyes and we both chuckle. "What's his name?" Lea asks. "Joshua." I blush. "Awe, my baby sister has a boyfriend." She says in a baby voice. I roll my eyes at her. "You're older than me by 15 minutes." I say. "So." She says. I get up. "Where are you going?" She asks me. I shrug. "I'm going to go see mom." I say. She nods and I go over to Mom. "Hey mom, Auntie V, Auntie Cher, Auntie TT, Lili." I greet. Lili hands me Max. "What am I supposed to do with Max?" I ask. She shrugs. "Go give her to Gram." She says. I roll my eyes and go over to Gram. "Hey Gram." I say. "Hey." She says. I try to give Max to Gram, but Max won't let go. "Max." I groan. "Me want Julie." She says and hugs me. I hug her and sit down. "No Julie stand up." Max says. "Max." I groan. She starts to pout. "Fine. I sigh and stand up. She giggles and I shake my head. "You would make a good mom one day." Gram says. "Thanks." I mumble. "Max, can I sit now?" I ask her. She nods and I sigh. "You're so complicated." I say. "You were that way with your dad, Jules." Gram says. 


"Daddy, no." I giggle "Julie, yes." He says. "Where are we going?" I ask. "I'm going to a Serpent meeting." He says. "Me come too." I giggle. "No." He says sternly. "Yes." I giggle. "Fine, but we have to go to mommy." He says. I jump up and down excitedly. 

*End of Flashback*

I smile and turn back to Gram. "Yeah, I was a handful." I say. "And a Daddy's girl." She says. I nod and hug her. 

Nobody's POV

They all talked, caught up, and did fun activities. Throughout the years, they had some fun times, but some sad times too. Alice and FP had passed away from old age, along with all the original teens' parents. Mike grew up and protected his little sister. Everyone will not forget how this all started, A Forced Marriage. 

A/N I know this is a really bad ending, but I have no time at all everyday. I still have to update my other stories. Thanks for reading both my stories. Bye!

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