14. 7 years later

522 8 12

Jughead and Betty: 29

Lili: 15

Lucas: 14

Julian and Ally: 7

Serenity, Lea, and Juliet: 11

Natalie and Nicole: 8

Laura: 25

Jellybean: 25


Jug's POV

Betty and I are amazing with our family. Lili is a sophomore and Lucas is a freshman. Julian and Ally are in 2nd grade. Suri, Lea, and Julie are in 6th grade. Natalie and Nicole are in 3rd grade. Laura has a 3 year old daughter named Sophia and a 1 year old son named Grayson. They're really cute and technically they are our grandchildren. Jellybean has a 6 year old daughter named Chloe, a 4 year old son named Austin, and a 1 year old daughter named Amiya so I'm an uncle and Betty is an aunt to them.

Since the day that all the serpents, plus our friends and family, adopted all those kids they have grown a lot. Veronica and Archie are 29, Lucy is 11, 6th grader, Charlotte is 12, 7th grader, and Fynn is 8, 3rd grader. Cheryl and Toni are 29, Kayla and Josh are 15, sophomores,  Rosie is 15, sophomore, Oliver and Owen are almost 8, 3rd graders. Kevin and Fangs are 29, Toby is 11, 6th grader, Levi is 16, a junior, and Aria is almost 8, 3rd grader. Sweet Pea is 29, Emily is 11, 6th grader, and Alexander is almost 8, 3rd grader. Dad is 54, Jacob and Jaelyn are 17, seniors. Alice is 54, Juniper and Dagwood are 13, 8th graders, Aurora and Nora are 12, 7th graders. Evelyn is 29, Savannah is 9, 4th grader, Noelle, Naomi, and Nathan are 8, 3rd graders.


Betty and I were cooking breakfast for everyone before they had to go to school. Lili comes down the stairs and then Lucas. "Hey guys!" Betty says. "Hey." They groan. "Are the rest getting dressed?" She asks. They nod and sit down. Julian and Ally are racing down the stairs. "I win!" Julian says. "No you don't!" Ally yells. "Hey, how about you both get a cookie with your lunch today and sit down?" I ask. They sit down as Suri and Lea come down the stairs. "Where's Julie?" I ask. "She won't get up." Lea says and they both sit down. Natalie and Nicole run up to Betty. "Mommy, guess what?" Nat says. "What?" Betty says. "Nat and I got all A's on the 1st semester report card, see!" Nikki says and points at their papers. Betty and I chuckle and they sit down. "So the only one not up, for three months is Julie." I say and sigh. "Yep, go get her Jug." Betty says and pecks my lips. I go upstairs and see Julie fully clothed and asleep. I chuckle and lift her up. "Daddy, put me down!" She protests. I chuckle and take her down the stairs. I put her in a chair and she groans. "I'm tired." She sighs. "Why?" Betty asks. "Betts, she's just like me remember. I didn't want to get out of bed half the time for school too." I say and she laughs. "Yep, exactly like you." She says and kisses Julie's hair. "So, what's up in school?" Betty asks as she plates their food. "Well, Kayla and Josh are always talking during class, Rosie is the HBIC of the cheerleading squad, Layla is the most best friend you can ask for and we have a new student." Lili says. "Who's the new student?" Betty asks. "Well, students. They're twins." She says and I laugh. "I swear everyone in Riverdale are twins." I say and Betty nods. "Their names are Ava and Natalie Miller." She says and Nat giggles. "She has my name." Nat says. "Yeah, but she has blonde hair." Lili says. "Anyone else have a new student?" I ask. "Well we have a new students too!" Lea says. "Their names are Hollie and Nevaeh Miller." She adds. We all nod and laugh because they're all related.

Lili's POV

Lucas and I arrive at school from Dad dropping us off. We get into the school and Lucas goes to his locker while I go to mine. Kayla, Josh, and Layla are there. "Hey guys." I say opening my locker. "Hey." They all say. "Want to go to Pop's after school?" Kayla asks and I nod. "Sure, but your paying." I say and they laugh and nod. "See you in class." I tell them. I have three classes with Layla, Kayla is in one of them, I have 2 other classes with her, Josh is in those, and I have 1 other class with him. I have 2 that I don't have any of my friends in. I head to class, which Layla is in, and sit in the very back. Oh, I have my serpent jacket on and I kind of look like mom when she was my age. 

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