2. In The Hospital

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Jug's POV

We were at the hospital checking Julie's leg out and Betty fainted. "Betty!" I yell and catch her before she falls. "Get a nurse!" The doctor yells. Two nurses come in and take Betty away. I try to go after her, but the doctor holds me back. "She will be fine, we need to check out your daughter's leg and then you can check on her." She says and I nod. "So tell me when it hurts." She tells Julie. she presses down a couple times and Julie squirms and starts crying. "It hurts!" She cries and hugs me. "It's going to be okay." I tell her and she keeps crying. "We need to do an X-Ray." The doctor tells me. I sigh and nod. She goes out of the room and I look at Julie. "Julie your so clumsy." I tell her and start tickling her. "Daddy stop." She says between her giggles. "Fine." I say and kiss her nose. The doctor come into the room and says that we have to go to the X-Ray room. I pick Julie up and take her into the room. They took some X-Rays of her and they said that they should have them ready in a couple hours, so they took us to Betty's room. When I got there she was sleeping still and really pale. Maybe she was getting sick? I hope it isn't anything serious. A doctor came in to check on her. "You can go home in a little bit, we found out the reason that she had fainted. I hope this is good news to you and your family, but I will check on her again in an hour." She says and I nod and pick up my phone to call my dad. 

"Hey Dad." I say. "Hey Jug, are you coming home soon?" He asks. "Yeah, Betty fainted and now she's in the hospital. She's sleeping right now though." I say and sigh. I pick up Julie and put her on the bed, she gets under the covers with Betty and falls asleep. "How's Julie?" He asks. "Good, I think she broke her leg." I sigh. "Alice and I are on our way to the hospital." He says. "Okay, Julie is asleep, Betty is asleep, I am just admiring them snuggled up to each other." I say staring lovingly at them. "Okay, we're on our way." He says and hangs up.


I told Alice that Betty fainted and is in the hospital too. She smirks like she knows what's wrong. We told everyone the situation, grabbed our coats, I grabbed my keys to my truck, and we went off to the hospital. When we got in the hospital, we went up to the front desk. "Elizabeth Coo-" I cut Alice off. "Elizabeth Jones." I say and smirk at Alice. She rolls her eyes and smirks too. "Room 238." The person says and we go through the hospital to find the room. We go into the room and Betty and Jug are talking.

Betty's POV

*15 minutes before FP and Alice showed up.*

I turn my head slowly and see that Juliet is snuggled up with me. I look around and notice I was in the hospital. I sigh and turn my head to Jug. "Hey Juggie." I say. "Betts!" He says and comes over and hugs me. "How do you feel?" He asks. "I feel fine." I say and he looks at me weirdly. "Hey umm..Never mind." He says nervously. "What's up?" I ask. He looks at me and smiles. "The nurse came in and said 'I hope this is good news to you and your family, but I will check on her again in an hour.' When was your last period?" He asks with a blush and I go pale. "Trash can." I say. He brings it over and I puke into it. He sits the trash can down by the bed and sits back down. "I honestly don't remember." I say and smile. "Betts we might have another baby." He says and kisses me. "Or babies." I say with a smirk. "I love our triplets and all, but I hope it's just one for now. I wouldn't care if their was more than one though." He smiles and I smile back. We talk about our memories about our family when Mom and FP come into the room. "How are you." FP asks. "I'm fine." I say and sigh. "The doctor should come in soon." I say as the doctor comes in. "Okay I have Juliet's X-Rays and your report." She says and smiles. I pick Julie up and sit her on my lap. "Mama!" She says and hugs me. "Hey baby." I say and kiss her forehead. "Juliet does indeed have a broken leg and a sprang in her arm." She says. We all sigh and nod. "And Mrs. Jones.." She stops and smiles at us. "This I hope is good news. Congratulations! You're pregnant." She says and mom and FP Hug Jug and I. Jug and I hug each other and he kisses me. "I love you so much." I say and I kiss him. "I love you too." He says to me and picks Julie up. "Julie do you know what this means?" He asks. "No." She says and giggles. "It means that you're going to have another sibling." He says and kisses her nose before he sets her back down gently. Not to hurt her leg. "Betty I already had suspicions because you fainted and you never do that." Mom says and hugs me. "I'm so happy for you Betty." FP says and hugs me while mom hugs Jug. "We can get the discharge papers and Juliet's casts." The doctor says and walks away to get everything. "We're going to need a bigger house." I say. "No need to worry about that, it was going to be a graduation surprise, but I bought us a new house!" Jug says and I kiss him. "Thank you so much." I say. "Juliet are you hungry?" Mom asks her. "Burgers!" She says and giggles. "Definitely Jug's kid." FP says, picks Julie up, and kisses her cheek. She giggles and the sight just warms everyone's hearts. 

After a little while, we sign the discharge papers and there is an appointment for the baby in two days. We then went to a room and Julie got a navy blue cast and wrap for her arm and leg, since that is her favorite color. She is so much like Jug and it's crazy. 

We went home and everyone yelled surprise. We hugged everyone and put Julie down on the couch, so she could talk to everyone too. She didn't get crutches or anything, since we can hold her. They surprised us, so it's our turn now. "Guys we have a surprise too." Jug says and Mom and FP smile at us and nod. "Well you all know that I fainted, but the real reason for that is that I'm pregnant!" I say and everyone smiles and hugs us. "Mommy you're going to have a baby?" Lili says. I nod and hug her. Serenity and Lea run up to me. "What does that mean?" Lea asks. "You're going to have a little sister or brother." Jug says and we each pick up them and give them a hug. 

A/N Comment-Should I do twins or leave it as one baby? Also, comment- baby names and if any of Betty and Jug's friends should have a baby too. Bye!

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