20. Publisher

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Jug's POV

"Hey Betty!" I shout. "Yeah?" She shouts back. "Come here." I shout. She walks in and gives my a kiss. "What?" She says. "So you know that piece of writing that Lili wrote?" I question. "Yeah.." She says. "Well I sent it to my publisher and she thinks it's a great piece of writing. She's going to post it in newspapers, and put it in a book." I say and she looks at me shocked. "What! That's amazing!" She says and kisses me. I deepen the kiss. "Where are the kids?" I ask. "Friends." She says and we smirk. "Great." I say and kiss her back with force and she melts into the kiss. I pick her up and carry her to our room. Piece by piece, our clothing went off. Use your imagination peeps ;)

I wake up next to Betty and kiss her head. "What time is it?" She asks. "10 pm." I say. "Lets go check on the kids. (Clothed) We go downstairs.  Ally is asleep on the couch. I scoop her up and take her to her room. I then check everyone's rooms. "Serenity and Lea are asleep. Juliet shares with Ally, so I know she's asleep. Lucas and Julian are asleep. Lili has her own room. I see her asleep at her desk with books everywhere. She was probably trying to stay up studying, but she fell asleep. I take her off the chair and put her in bed. "Night, Lili Bear." I whisper and kiss her forehead. "Night." She mumbles and then falls back asleep. 

I go downstairs to Betty sitting on the couch watching TV. "Hey, they're all asleep." I say and peck her lips. "Okay, now lets go back to bed because I'm tired." She says. I nod. "We'll tell Lili tomorrow before school about the publisher." I say and take her hand. We go upstairs to our bed and get in it. "Night Betts, love you." I say. "Night Juggie, love you too." She says. She pecks my lips and then snuggles into my chest and falls asleep. I fall asleep soon after. 

Lili's POV

I wake up at 5 am. Ugghh, an hour before I have to get up. I get up anyways and get dressed into a white shirt, light blue jeans, my white converse, and my serpent Jacket. I look over to my desk. Shit, I fell asleep before I could study all of my books. Why now? I have a lot of big tests today. Well I guess I know a lot already for the tests, but still. I put some makeup on and gather my books. I put my books into my school bag. I check the time. It's 6:30 now. Hopefully someone is up. I take a picture of myself standing in the mirror and post it to Instagram and Facebook. I go downstairs to see everyone at the table. "Hey." I say. "Hey." They say. I sit down next to Laura and she ruffles my hair. I have it up in braids. "Dude, I just did my hair." I complain. "Lili." Dad says. "Yes?" I question. "Remember when I sent your piece of writing to my publisher?" He asks and I nod. "Well your writing is going into newspapers and stuff all over the world." He says and I fall out of my chair. "Oww..Wait, really!?" I ask. "Yep." Mom says and I hug both of them. Soon everyone joins in the hug. 

I'm at school and I told all of my friends and they're happy for me. I can't believe that we have only today and then winter break, it's so crazy. School's going by quickly and next year, I'm going to be a Junior! 

It was a free period. I was sitting in the Blue and Gold writing my next article for the paper, when my phone blows up. "Teen writes about her and her friends' lives" "We might interview this teen about her writing" "The teen who's writing is the daughter of Jughead Jones" and more headlines for articles. I turn my attention back to my article and then I get more notifications. I look at my phone. It was only Instagram Dms.

Gabriel  Mantle- Hey, you're cute. I've seen you around school. Want to maybe get to know each other at Pop's. It's not a date unless you want it to be. :)

Lili Jones- Sure!  It can be a date. :)

Gabriel Mantle- Afterschool? 

Lili Jones- That would be great, I haven't seen you around school. I've just heard of you. You seem sweet.

Gabriel Mantle- I'm kind of a loner. My dad wanted me to play sports, but I suck at everything. I've loved writing since I was little. 

Lili Jones- Me too! You should join the Blue and Gold.

Gabriel Mantle- I'll gather some of my writing. See you later!

Lili Jones- See you at Pop's!

I smile at the thought of me going on a dat with Gabriel. I haven't really seen him around the school. The bell rings, so I gather my stuff and head to class. 

*Time Pass*

Lili- Hey Mom, I'm going to Pop's afterschool. xo

Mom- Okay, you know what time to be home.

Lili- Love you!

Mom- Love you too!

I headed to Pop's after saying goodbye to all my friends.

I sat in a booth and waited for my date. A boy sits down at my booth and Holy shit! He was so hot! 

"Hey." He says. "Hey." I say. "So, lets start with easy questions. What's you middle name?" He asks. "Rose, what's yours?" I ask. "Michael." He says and I smile. He smiles back. "How many siblings do you have?" I ask. "Three, you?" He asks back. "1 biological and 8 others. Some are adopted like Laura and I." I say and he nods. "favorite TV Show?" He asks. "The Vampire Diaries." I say. "Same." He says. "Favorite food?" I ask. "Tacos." He says. "Same." I say. We continue to ask each other questions while eating the food her ordered. I insisted that I paid for mine, but he said that he asked me out on the date, so he pays. I just rolled my eyes and smirked. The things that I have found out about him is that he is cheesy, sarcastic, sweet, and caring. Also, very protective.

We were leaving Pop's. "Can I walk you home?" He asks. "Sure." I say and we connect our hands. It felt right. I felt energy shock up my arm. I think he felt it to because we were both grinning and blushing like idiots. 

We get to my house. "I actually live right next door." He says and I smile. "Well, I guess I'm just going to go into my house." I say awkwardly. I turn to go into my house. He grabs my hand. "Hey, you forgot something." He says. I turn around and he crashes his lips onto mine. I melt into the kiss and he does the same. We pull away and smile at each other. "Bye." He says. "Bye." I say and peck his lips one more time before going into the house. "Awe." They all say and I blush. "Did you all see that?" I ask and they nod. All of our friends and family ae here. "I told you to be back in time. You're am hour late." Mom says. "I forgot about the reunion, sorry?" I say and hug everyone. "It's okay." Dad says and hugs me.

A/N This chapter was cute. What do you think I should do? Should I make them date or become bestfriends. Gabriel is so cheesy lol. Bye!!

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