30. She tells Gabe

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Betty's POV

I go out and see Jug eating food, as usual. "Hey." I say. "Hey, is she alright?" He asks. I shake my head. "No, she has a problem, well not a problem." I ramble on. "I get it." He chuckles. "What's wrong?" He asks. I sigh and look up at him. "She's pregnant." I say and he looks shocked. "Really?" He asks. "Nooo." I say. He looks confused. "Yes!" I shout. "Okay, jeez." He says. "You better not be mad." I say. "I'm not, it runs in the family, lets hope not all of our kids are like this." He says. I sigh and nod. "Lets pray that they all don't have a kid when they're 17 too." I say and Jug agrees. 

A couple hours later Gabe comes into the door from work. "Hey." I say. "Hey?" He says unsure. "Why are you guys here?" He asks us. "Lili." We say. "What's wrong with her?" He asks. "Hey." Lili says and hugs Gabe. We go to the living room and sit down. "Lili, you can tell him." Jug says. "Gabe, I'm so sorry." She cries. "Hey, whatever it is, I will not hate you for it." He says. "Promise." She says. "Promise." He says and kisses her nose. They remind me of Jug and I. I walk out of the room and Jug follows so we can give them privacy. "They are so cute." I sigh. "I know right." Jug says. 

Lili's POV

I was going to tell him, but I was so nervous. "I-I'm p-pregnant." I stutter. I said it. I actually said it. "What!?" He says. "Really?" He squeals. I nod with tears. "Are you happy?" I ask. He nods repeatedly. "You made me the happiest person." He says and pulls me in for a passionate kiss. "I love you." He breaths out. I stand there frozen and he realizes what he just said. I kiss him. "I love you too." I breath out and he kisses me again. 

*School starts*

Betty's POV

Lili and Gabe live in New York, where they're filming. They are doing school online, as they can't when they're filming. We check in with them every now and then on the phone. The baby is doing good and it's only 1, thank the lord. Lili and Lucas are Juniors. Suri, Lea, and Julie are 7th graders. Natalie and Nicole are 4th graders. Julian and Ally are 3rd graders. Sophia (Laura's kid) is a preschooler. Chloe (Jelly's kid) is in 2nd grade. Austin (Jelly's kid) is a preschooler.

A/N It's short because I have had appointments all day and it as my birthday yesterday. Bye!

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