10. Family

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Betty's POV

Lucas is the sweetest little boy. Natalie and Nicole are so cute. All my friends and even Jug and I's parents adopted kids, toddlers, and babies. We were finally home with all of our kids. Lili decided to just come home instead of staying with Cher and Toni. 

It was late and Jug and I just wanted to make sure all of our kids are safe, so they are sleeping in here too. Ally and Julian's crib Is in our room, Natalie and Nicole were in between Jug and I, Lili was on the pullout couch in our room with Lea and Lucas, and Julie and Serenity were at the end of our bed. We went to sleep after all of our kids fell asleep.

*The Next Morning*

"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask all the kids. "Eggies." Nat says. "Toast." Nicole says. "Cereal." Suri says. "Bacon." Lea says. "Burgers!" Julie says. "Definitely my kid." Jug says and kisses her hair. "Breakfast Julie." I say and laugh. "Oatmeal." She says with a sigh. "I don't care what we have." Lili says. "Me neither." Lucas says. "Okay, I'm going to make your food." I say and laugh. I make eggs, toast, Bacon, and oatmeal. I pour Suri some cereal and I pass out all the food. Jug, Lili, Lucas, and I had bacon, eggs, and toast. 

Breakfast was full of giggle and smiles. "Guess what?" I ask. "What?" Everyone asks. "Suri, Lea, and Juliet's birthday is coming up." I say. "Mommy?" Julie asks. "Yeah?" I ask. "When?" She asks. I chuckle a little and Jug comes back downstairs with Ally and Julian. He puts them in their swing and brings them in the kitchen. "Your birthday is next week you three." I say and point at them. They all giggle and nod. Lili and Lucas are talking, Natalie and Nicole are babbling to each other, The triplets are giggling and talking to each other, and Jug and I are playing with Ally and Julian and admiring our family. 

Everyone is in our house because it is the biggest now and we are catching up. Rosie, Kayla, Jaelyn, and Lili were talking, Josh, Jacob, Lucas, and Levi were talking, Charlotte, Emily, Aurora, Nora, Serenity, Lea, Lucy, Toby, and Juliet were playing, Oliver, Owen, Fynn, Aria, Alexander, Natalie, Nicole, Savannah, Ally, Julian, Noelle, Naomi, and Nathan are taking a nap. That is a lot of kids. 

"You guys are crazy." Mom says. "No we are not, having nine kids is perfectly normal." I say casually. Everyone laughs at me. "Toni and I have 5 kids." Cheryl says. "Archie and I have 3 kids." Veronica says. "Fangs and I have 3 kids." Kevin says. "I have 2 kids." Sweet Pea says. "And no girlfriend." I tell him. Everyone laughs at us. "In all, I have 5 kids." Mom says. "When is Chic coming back?" I ask. "He should be coming for the BBQ that we have every summer." Mom says and I nod. I haven't seen Chic in forever. "In all, I have 4 kids." FP says. "I have 4." Evelyn says. Right as she said that we heard babies cry. Everyone except mom and FP got up. Mom and FP are laughing at all of us. "Jug, lets go." I told him and we went upstairs with everyone else. I picked up Natalie and Nicole, Jug picked up Ally and Julian, Veronica picked up Fynn, Cheryl picked up Oliver, Toni picked up Owen, Fangs picked up Aria, Evelyn picked up Savannah and sat her down to walk since she's two. She picked up Noelle and Naomi, Kevin picked up Nathan for her, Sweet Pea picked up Alexander, and we all went downstairs to my mom and FP still laughing their asses off. "Oh shut up." I say and everyone else nods. "You didn't adopt babies, you adopted kids and preteens." Jug says. 

The living room was filled with baby swings, cribs, and play mats. I was playing with Natalie and Nicole and jug was feeding Ally and Julian. The triplets came running in. "Mommy! Daddy!" They say. "Yeah." I say. "We're hungry." Lea says. "You just ate a couple hours ago." I say. "You do know who they are right?" Mom asks. "Jones'" Everyone says and laughs. "What do you want to eat?" I ask. "Pop's!" Julie says. "Okay, I'm going to Pop's if anybody wants something write it down and hand it to me. V, Cher, and T, you're coming with me." I say. "Everyone else, look after their kids." I add. They nod. I get everyone's order and it's going to cost a lot.

We arrive at Pop's and it's completely empty. "Hey Pop!" We say. "Hey!" He say. "We have a big order today." I say and he laughs. "Okay." He says. "Jug wants 2 burgers, 2 fries, and a Chocolate milkshake, Serenity wants a burger, fries, and a strawberry milkshake, Lea wants a chicken sandwich, fries, and a vanilla milkshake, Julie wants the same as Jug, I want a burger, fries, and a vanilla milkshake, Lili wants a burger, 2 fries, and a root beer float, Lucas wants the same as Lili, 2 kids meals." I say. He nods and Veronica talks. "I want a burger, fries, and a strawberry milkshake, Archie wants 2 burgers, fries (I almost typed friends without even thinking lol), onion rings, and a chocolate milkshake. 3 kids meals." She says. He nods and Cheryl talks. "I want a burger, fries, and a strawberry milkshake, TT wants the same except she wants a chocolate milkshake, 3 kids meals." She says. He nods and I start talking again. "10 kids meals, 4 fries, 6 burgers." I say. 

We payed for our food and took it all into the car little by little. When we got home they helped carry the food in. I passes out the kids' food and everyone else's food. We ate, played with the kids, changed many diapers, talked, and then at the end of the day went to bed. I went to bed thinking that we still need to buy stuff for the new kids.

A/N This is really boring, but next chapter is shopping for new stuff. Also, I'm doing a time skip soon! Bye!

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