7. ...Bad Times...

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Juniper's POV

Serenity has been staying with us for almost a month and Mom has gotten even more crazy, Dagwood has noticed too. We have been puking the "candy" out, well not Serenity. She doesn't know what we do. Mom is taking all of us to New York for a "vacation." She joined the Farm 2 months ago and before that she was a good mom, now she isn't. Half the time she doesn't even remember our names or to give us food. I know how to cook because my Auntie Betty taught me. She always says "It's good to know things at a young age because it can save your life one day." And she's right, I'm saving Dag's and Suri's life, plus mine. We are not allowed to call each other by the nicknames, we have to talk "proper" as mom says. We need to run away from mom and the Farm..and we need to do it soon.

Betty's POV

Jug and I are worried. Polly hasn't called or even texted us once. It's almost a month, so hopefully she will do it soon. Other than that, the twins are great, Julie and Lea are great, and Jug and I are just being parents. He is working on his first book and I'm going to start my job soon. Being a mom has changed everything in life and even what I wanted to do for a job. I used to want to be a writer, but now I wanted to become a teacher. I know that becoming a teacher is like going to school all over again, but I want to help kids grow their mind with knowledge and curiosity about their career when they're older. I'm going to be a kindergarten teacher. The triplets are going to kindergarten and I would love to teach them. I am teaching English to them, well reading, writing, and some vocabulary words. I'm so excited! I haven't told them yet and they could be in my class or the other teacher's classes, but I hope that I am their homeroom teacher! "Betty." Jug says, knocking me out of my thoughts. "Hmm?" I ask. "I was asking if you wanted to go get Pop's for dinner or cook?" He asks. "Definitely Pop's, I'm way to exhausted to cook and Pop's sounds good." I say. He nods. "Julie, Lea! Come downstairs for a minute!" He yells up the steps as mom comes through the door with the twins. "Hey mom." I say. "Hey, they just ate, so they should be hungry in a couple hours." She says. I nod and go upstairs since Julie and Lea haven't came down the steps yet. When I get up there, they're not in their room. I look everywhere and they aren't in the whole house. I go downstairs and Jug stops me. "What's wrong?" He asks. "They aren't up there." I say and he starts looking with me. We looked EVERYWHERE and we haven't found them. "Lets go check their room again." Jug says. We basically run to their room and look again. "J-Jug, I-I found s-something." I stutter. He looks at the note in my hand. "They're mine now." I read and we both looked shocked. We run downstairs and mom looks worried. "What's going on, did you find them?" She asks. "No.." I say and start crying. "We found a note." Jug finishes and pulls me into his embrace. "We need to go to the Wyrm." Jug says.

Juliet's POV

I'm in a dark scary place and I can hear crying. "Lea?" I ask. "Julie." She cries. I try to find her, but I'm stopped by something holding me back. Julie, I'm scared." She cries. "Me too." I cry. "Julie, Lea?" A voice asks. "It's Juniper and Dagwood." Juni says. "I'm scared." Lea says and cries more. "I know, but it's going to be okay." Juni says. "Why isn't Dag talking?" I ask, I still have tears going down my face. "We all were drugged, or since you don't know what that means, put to sleep." She replies. "Oh.." I say and curl up into a ball. I do that when I am sad or scared and people make fun of me for it, but Mommy said that she used to do that to because it made her feel safe. Lea is crying a lot and so am I. "Shhh, it's okay, calm down and we can figure this out." Juni says. "Where's Suri?" I ask. "She's asleep too." She says. Someone opens the door and light comes in. "Who are you!" Juni yells. "My name is Edgar Evernever and you all are Cooper/Jones/Blossom blood, well except those babies who are our next to get." He says. "Don't touch my baby brother and sister!" I yell. "We can do anything we want to and if you try something, your punishment is worse than usual." He says. "Please let us go, I want my mommy and daddy!" I cry. "Lets go over some rules. 1. No talking back or yelling to anyone who is in charge. 2. No crying around me or anyone who is in charge. 3. Don't complain." He says. "I will go over punishments now. 1. A couple cuts. 2. No food. 3. Only a cup of water a day for a week. 4. Whatever someone wants to volunteer." he says. "Now, you guys already broke the rules, so Juniper gets 1 punishment and Juliet gets 3." He says. "I will be right back. my people have to decide which you get." He says and goes out of the room. I think I faint of being tired because I don't remember anything after that. 

Juniper's POV

Edgar comes back a couple of minutes later with a couple of guys and girls. They take me and Julie out of the room. They put me in one room and Julie in another. They start cutting my arms and legs and I scream in pain. 

Evelyn's POV

I can't believe that my dad kidnapped those kids. He has sent me to punish Juliet and I can't and I will never hurt a kid. I request to be alone with Juliet and of course my dad allows it. We take her to a room. "Hey Juliet." I say and she starts to cry. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." I say and she nods. "How old are you?" I ask. "Almost 4." She says. "What grade are you going to?" I ask. "Kindergarten." She says. She speaks in a quiet voice and she's curled up into a ball. "How, you're only 4." I say in amazement. "Suri, Lea, and I are super smart." She says and I smile. "I'm going to help you escape, okay?" I ask. She nods her head and hugs me. "Thank you, I want my mommy and daddy." She says crying. "You will see them soon." I say and she gets under the covers and falls asleep. All the kids have rooms now. I go to Juniper's room with things to help her cuts that I know she has, sadly I couldn't help her. I clean her cuts and ask her questions like I did with Juliet and she goes to sleep. I check the other kids and they are asleep too. I will help them all escape and be with their family soon. I feel bad for Juniper and Dagwood though. They are only six and their mom is crazy. This is going to be hard to get them out of here, but I can do it. 

A/N Evelyn is going to be a nice character because I made Polly mean. Also, she is going to help the kids escape and go to their family. Don't worry no sexual things are a punishment. I can't write that, even if it isn't real, it just hurts to know that people sexually abuse kids like that. Well, I hope you liked this chapter. Bye.

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